Package client :: Class BasinWindow
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Class BasinWindow

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This is simply a convenience class which inherits from QMainWindow. In every other way it behaves like a normal QMainWindow should. The purpose of it is to wrap the necessary components of the Basin Client User Interace into the window. The window must be comprised of these elements, so it is fitting for them to be bundled into this class.

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QPaintDevice: PaintDeviceMetric

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, app)
This constructor will create the entire main window for the Basin Client.
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Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QMainWindow: actionEvent, addDockWidget, addToolBar, addToolBarBreak, centralWidget, changeEvent, childEvent, closeEvent, connectNotify, contextMenuEvent, corner, create, createPopupMenu, customEvent, destroy, disconnectNotify, dockWidgetArea, dragEnterEvent, dragLeaveEvent, dragMoveEvent, dropEvent, enabledChange, enterEvent, event, focusInEvent, focusNextChild, focusNextPrevChild, focusOutEvent, focusPreviousChild, fontChange, hideEvent, iconSize, inputMethodEvent, insertToolBar, insertToolBarBreak, isAnimated, isDockNestingEnabled, isSeparator, keyPressEvent, keyReleaseEvent, languageChange, leaveEvent, menuBar, menuWidget, metric, mouseDoubleClickEvent, mouseMoveEvent, mousePressEvent, mouseReleaseEvent, moveEvent, paintEvent, paletteChange, receivers, removeDockWidget, removeToolBar, resetInputContext, resizeEvent, restoreState, saveState, sender, setAnimated, setCentralWidget, setCorner, setDockNestingEnabled, setIconSize, setMenuBar, setMenuWidget, setStatusBar, setToolButtonStyle, showEvent, splitDockWidget, statusBar, tabifyDockWidget, tabletEvent, timerEvent, toolBarArea, toolButtonStyle, updateMicroFocus, wheelEvent, windowActivationChange

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QWidget: acceptDrops, actions, activateWindow, addAction, addActions, adjustSize, autoFillBackground, backgroundRole, baseSize, childAt, childrenRect, childrenRegion, clearFocus, clearMask, close, contentsRect, contextMenuPolicy, cursor, devType, ensurePolished, find, focusPolicy, focusProxy, focusWidget, font, fontInfo, fontMetrics, foregroundRole, frameGeometry, frameSize, geometry, getContentsMargins, grabKeyboard, grabMouse, grabShortcut, handle, hasFocus, hasMouseTracking, height, heightForWidth, hide, inputContext, inputMethodQuery, insertAction, insertActions, isActiveWindow, isAncestorOf, isEnabled, isEnabledTo, isEnabledToTLW, isFullScreen, isHidden, isLeftToRight, isMaximized, isMinimized, isModal, isRightToLeft, isTopLevel, isVisible, isVisibleTo, isWindow, isWindowModified, keyboardGrabber, layout, layoutDirection, lower, mapFrom, mapFromGlobal, mapFromParent, mapTo, mapToGlobal, mapToParent, mask, maximumHeight, maximumSize, maximumWidth, minimumHeight, minimumSize, minimumSizeHint, minimumWidth, mouseGrabber, move, nextInFocusChain, normalGeometry, overrideWindowFlags, overrideWindowState, paintEngine, palette, parentWidget, pos, raise_, rect, releaseKeyboard, releaseMouse, releaseShortcut, removeAction, repaint, resize, restoreGeometry, saveGeometry, scroll, setAcceptDrops, setAttribute, setAutoFillBackground, setBackgroundRole, setBaseSize, setContentsMargins, setContextMenuPolicy, setCursor, setDisabled, setEnabled, setFixedHeight, setFixedSize, setFixedWidth, setFocus, setFocusPolicy, setFocusProxy, setFont, setForegroundRole, setGeometry, setHidden, setInputContext, setLayout, setLayoutDirection, setMask, setMaximumHeight, setMaximumSize, setMaximumWidth, setMinimumHeight, setMinimumSize, setMinimumWidth, setMouseTracking, setPalette, setParent, setShortcutAutoRepeat, setShortcutEnabled, setShown, setSizeIncrement, setSizePolicy, setStatusTip, setStyle, setStyleSheet, setTabOrder, setToolTip, setUpdatesEnabled, setVisible, setWhatsThis, setWindowFlags, setWindowIcon, setWindowIconText, setWindowModality, setWindowModified, setWindowOpacity, setWindowRole, setWindowState, setWindowTitle, show, showFullScreen, showMaximized, showMinimized, showNormal, size, sizeHint, sizeIncrement, sizePolicy, stackUnder, statusTip, style, styleSheet, testAttribute, toolTip, topLevelWidget, underMouse, unsetCursor, unsetLayoutDirection, update, updateGeometry, updatesEnabled, visibleRegion, whatsThis, width, winId, window, windowFlags, windowIcon, windowIconText, windowModality, windowOpacity, windowRole, windowState, windowTitle, windowType, x, x11Info, x11PictureHandle, y

Inherited from PyQt4.QtCore.QObject: blockSignals, children, connect, deleteLater, disconnect, dumpObjectInfo, dumpObjectTree, dynamicPropertyNames, emit, eventFilter, findChild, findChildren, inherits, installEventFilter, isWidgetType, killTimer, metaObject, moveToThread, objectName, parent, property, removeEventFilter, setObjectName, setProperty, signalsBlocked, startTimer, thread, tr, trUtf8

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QPaintDevice: depth, heightMM, logicalDpiX, logicalDpiY, numColors, paintingActive, physicalDpiX, physicalDpiY, widthMM

Inherited from sip.wrapper: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __setattr__

Inherited from object: __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __str__

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QPaintDevice: PdmDepth, PdmDpiX, PdmDpiY, PdmHeight, PdmHeightMM, PdmNumColors, PdmPhysicalDpiX, PdmPhysicalDpiY, PdmWidth, PdmWidthMM

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, app)

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This constructor will create the entire main window for the Basin Client. It takes care of creating all the layouts and widgets for the entire application. It will not take care of showing and executing the main window, so the calling function should handle this.

First, the parent class' constructor is called. Then constructor sets the Basin title and icon. After this it instantiates the following components (order is important here):

  1. Bridge
  2. StatusBar
  3. BasinBody
  4. Actions
  5. ToolBar
  6. MenuBar
  • app (PyQt4.QtGui.QApplication) - This is the application for which you want this main window applied to.
Overrides: object.__init__