Package client :: Module MenuBar :: Class MenuBar
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Class MenuBar

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This class is a convenienve class which bundles the adding of all the menu items into the menu's constructor. The way it can do this is by asking the Action object, for which is has access to from the bridge, for all of the actions it has under a given package. This helps in automating the process of creating menus, especially for large menus such as "General Functions".

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QPaintDevice: PaintDeviceMetric

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, parent, bridge)
The constructor will pull all of the actions from each individual package of actions from the Actions object.
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Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QMenuBar: actionAt, actionEvent, actionGeometry, activeAction, addAction, addMenu, addSeparator, changeEvent, childEvent, clear, closeEvent, connectNotify, contextMenuEvent, create, customEvent, destroy, disconnectNotify, dragEnterEvent, dragLeaveEvent, dragMoveEvent, dropEvent, enabledChange, enterEvent, event, eventFilter, focusInEvent, focusNextChild, focusNextPrevChild, focusOutEvent, focusPreviousChild, fontChange, heightForWidth, hideEvent, inputMethodEvent, insertMenu, insertSeparator, isDefaultUp, keyPressEvent, keyReleaseEvent, languageChange, leaveEvent, metric, minimumSizeHint, mouseDoubleClickEvent, mouseMoveEvent, mousePressEvent, mouseReleaseEvent, moveEvent, paintEvent, paletteChange, receivers, resetInputContext, resizeEvent, sender, setActiveAction, setDefaultUp, showEvent, sizeHint, tabletEvent, timerEvent, updateMicroFocus, wheelEvent, windowActivationChange

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QWidget: acceptDrops, actions, activateWindow, addActions, adjustSize, autoFillBackground, backgroundRole, baseSize, childAt, childrenRect, childrenRegion, clearFocus, clearMask, close, contentsRect, contextMenuPolicy, cursor, devType, ensurePolished, find, focusPolicy, focusProxy, focusWidget, font, fontInfo, fontMetrics, foregroundRole, frameGeometry, frameSize, geometry, getContentsMargins, grabKeyboard, grabMouse, grabShortcut, handle, hasFocus, hasMouseTracking, height, hide, inputContext, inputMethodQuery, insertAction, insertActions, isActiveWindow, isAncestorOf, isEnabled, isEnabledTo, isEnabledToTLW, isFullScreen, isHidden, isLeftToRight, isMaximized, isMinimized, isModal, isRightToLeft, isTopLevel, isVisible, isVisibleTo, isWindow, isWindowModified, keyboardGrabber, layout, layoutDirection, lower, mapFrom, mapFromGlobal, mapFromParent, mapTo, mapToGlobal, mapToParent, mask, maximumHeight, maximumSize, maximumWidth, minimumHeight, minimumSize, minimumWidth, mouseGrabber, move, nextInFocusChain, normalGeometry, overrideWindowFlags, overrideWindowState, paintEngine, palette, parentWidget, pos, raise_, rect, releaseKeyboard, releaseMouse, releaseShortcut, removeAction, repaint, resize, restoreGeometry, saveGeometry, scroll, setAcceptDrops, setAttribute, setAutoFillBackground, setBackgroundRole, setBaseSize, setContentsMargins, setContextMenuPolicy, setCursor, setDisabled, setEnabled, setFixedHeight, setFixedSize, setFixedWidth, setFocus, setFocusPolicy, setFocusProxy, setFont, setForegroundRole, setGeometry, setHidden, setInputContext, setLayout, setLayoutDirection, setMask, setMaximumHeight, setMaximumSize, setMaximumWidth, setMinimumHeight, setMinimumSize, setMinimumWidth, setMouseTracking, setPalette, setParent, setShortcutAutoRepeat, setShortcutEnabled, setShown, setSizeIncrement, setSizePolicy, setStatusTip, setStyle, setStyleSheet, setTabOrder, setToolTip, setUpdatesEnabled, setVisible, setWhatsThis, setWindowFlags, setWindowIcon, setWindowIconText, setWindowModality, setWindowModified, setWindowOpacity, setWindowRole, setWindowState, setWindowTitle, show, showFullScreen, showMaximized, showMinimized, showNormal, size, sizeIncrement, sizePolicy, stackUnder, statusTip, style, styleSheet, testAttribute, toolTip, topLevelWidget, underMouse, unsetCursor, unsetLayoutDirection, update, updateGeometry, updatesEnabled, visibleRegion, whatsThis, width, winId, window, windowFlags, windowIcon, windowIconText, windowModality, windowOpacity, windowRole, windowState, windowTitle, windowType, x, x11Info, x11PictureHandle, y

Inherited from PyQt4.QtCore.QObject: blockSignals, children, connect, deleteLater, disconnect, dumpObjectInfo, dumpObjectTree, dynamicPropertyNames, emit, findChild, findChildren, inherits, installEventFilter, isWidgetType, killTimer, metaObject, moveToThread, objectName, parent, property, removeEventFilter, setObjectName, setProperty, signalsBlocked, startTimer, thread, tr, trUtf8

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QPaintDevice: depth, heightMM, logicalDpiX, logicalDpiY, numColors, paintingActive, physicalDpiX, physicalDpiY, widthMM

Inherited from sip.wrapper: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __setattr__

Inherited from object: __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __str__

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QPaintDevice: PdmDepth, PdmDpiX, PdmDpiY, PdmHeight, PdmHeightMM, PdmNumColors, PdmPhysicalDpiX, PdmPhysicalDpiY, PdmWidth, PdmWidthMM

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, parent, bridge)

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The constructor will pull all of the actions from each individual package of actions from the Actions object. For each package, a seperatorList is defined as a list of names of actions in that package. For each name in the list, a seperator will appear after that action. In this way, the user doesn't have to worry about anything other than how to seperate out actions in a package, the rest is taken care of.

  • parent (QMainWindow) - The main window for which this menubar will be applied to.
  • bridge (Bridge) - The bridge object which connects all interactive components together.
Overrides: object.__init__