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This object is the graphical representation of one top-level Region under the RegionTree. To constitute a valid TopRegion, it must have a name and shellAccess. The shellAccess is a string of the ipython command needed to access the object. Their name is a shellAccess, where both object attributes still exist with the same value, since TopRegions are both basin objects and variables.
Any abstract object, including this one, may have an alias. An alias is nothing more than setting a variable to an Abstract object. The point being that some arbitrarily deep buried object might have an obscene shellAccess, but the user can assign it to a variable and the GUI will realize this and accomdate for it. Essentially top-level Regions are aliases themselves, but you are welcome to give it another alias name if you wish.
These objects are created by having passed it a list of strings that identify the entire tree structure. Rather than just the information specific to this tree branch, every node linearly "under" and including this node is listed. It will find its current depth, and only generate tree items based on that depth (and tree structure "deeper"), until it has no more. All mutations to the list of strings are permanent, so once a line generates a tree item, it disposes of itself.
Inherited from |
Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from |
Inherited from Region | |||
Inherited from |
Inherited from |
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature
TopRegion.isTop (self) For top-level Regions this will always return True.
TopRegion.Delete (self) This method will create a dialog that simply verifies that the user wishes to delete this region. Note, this deletes the actual data object behind the abstract model. The data can't be recovered after performing this action.
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