Package client :: Package Viewers :: Module Items
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Source Code for Module client.Viewers.Items

  1  import PyQt4.QtGui 
  2  import PyQt4.QtCore 
  4  import string 
  5  import re 
  7  import Actions 
  8  import Constants 
10 -class Region (PyQt4.QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem):
11 """ 12 Overview 13 ======== 14 This object is the graphical representation of one sub-Region 15 under the RegionTree. For top-level Regions, a derived class 16 TopRegion is used, which is mostly just named in a 17 different manner. 18 19 To constitute a valid Region, it must have a name and 20 shellAccess. The shellAccess is a string of the ipython command 21 needed to access the object. Since these are not variables, 22 their names aren't their access. Generally speaking, their 23 shellAccess will be a traceback up the tree, with the appropriate 24 calls. The exception to this rule is with top-level regions 25 where their name is indeed a shellAccess, where both object 26 attributes still exist with the same value. 27 28 Any abstract object, including this one, may have an alias. An 29 alias is nothing more than setting a variable to an Abstract object. 30 The point being that some arbitrarily deep buried object might have 31 an obscene shellAccess, but the user can assign it to a variable 32 and the GUI will realize this and accomdate for it. 33 34 These objects are created by having passed it a list of strings that 35 identify the entire tree structure. Rather than just the information 36 specific to this tree branch, every node linearly "under" and including 37 this node is listed. It will find its current depth, and only generate 38 tree items based on that depth (and tree structure "deeper"), until 39 it has no more. All mutations to the list of strings are permanent, 40 so once a line generates a tree item, it disposes of itself. 41 """ 42
43 - def __init__ (self, parent, parentShellAccess, info):
44 """ 45 """ 46 47 self._parent = parent 48 PyQt4.QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem.__init__ (self) 49 parent.addChild (self) 50 51 background = PyQt4.QtGui.QColor (230, 230, 255) 52 gradient1 = PyQt4.QtGui.QLinearGradient (PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF(0, 0), PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF(33, 0)) 53 gradient1.setColorAt (0, PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.white) 54 gradient1.setColorAt (1, background) 55 brush1 = PyQt4.QtGui.QBrush (gradient1) 56 gradient2 = PyQt4.QtGui.QLinearGradient (PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF(0, 0), PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF(100, 0)) 57 gradient2.setColorAt (0, background) 58 gradient2.setColorAt (1, PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.white) 59 brush2 = PyQt4.QtGui.QBrush (gradient2) 60 61 self.setBackground (0, brush1) 62 self.setBackgroundColor (1, background) 63 self.setBackgroundColor (2, background) 64 self.setBackground (3, brush2) 65 self._alias = None 66 currentDepth = info[0].count ("^") 67 68 self.nameMe (parentShellAccess, info) 69 info.pop (0) 70 71 while len (info) > 0 and info[0].count ("^") > currentDepth: 72 regexpList = re.compile ("\^*LIST:.*") 73 regexpGrid = re.compile ("\^*GRID:.*") 74 regexpChild = re.compile ("\^*REGION:.*") 75 76 77 if regexpList.match (info[0]): 78 List (self, self._shellAccess, info) 79 elif regexpGrid.match (info[0]): 80 Grid (self, self._shellAccess, info) 81 elif regexpChild.match (info[0]): 82 Region (self, self._shellAccess, info) 83 84 self.Display () 85 self.setExpanded (True)
87 - def Display (self):
88 """ 89 Overview 90 ======== 91 This function actually sets the text to screen. It will display the name, the fact 92 that it is a Region, and if it exists, the alias name. Notably, this is only 3 93 columns where the RegionTree has 4 columns. This is because no Regions have dimensions. 94 """ 95 96 self.setText (0, PyQt4.QtCore.QString (self._name)) 97 self.setText (1, PyQt4.QtCore.QString ("Region")) 98 self.setTextAlignment (0, PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft | PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) 99 self.setTextAlignment (1, PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.AlignRight | PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) 100 if self._alias: 101 self.setText (3, PyQt4.QtCore.QString (str (self._alias._name))) 102 else: 103 self.setText (3, PyQt4.QtCore.QString ("None"))
105 - def nameMe (self, parentShellAccess, info):
106 """ 107 @param parentShellAccess: Obviously the parent's shell access which directly contributes to the 108 child's shellAccess. 109 @type parentShellAccess: string 110 111 @param info: This is the formatted list of strings that describes the entire makeup 112 of the tree.Information needed to determine the name is extracted from 113 this list, and then destroyed from this list. 114 @type info: list <string> 115 """ 116 117 if self.isTop () == False: 118 regexp = re.compile ("\^*REGION:.*") 119 if not regexp.match (info[0]): 120 return 121 self._name = info[0][info[0].index (":") + 1:] 122 self._shellAccess = str (parentShellAccess) + ".get_child (\"" + self._name + "\")"
124 - def isTop (self):
125 """ 126 @return: For sub-Regions this will always return False. 127 """ 128 129 return False
131 - def Type (self):
132 """ 133 @return: For Regions, this will always return "REGION". 134 """ 135 return "REGION"
137 - def setAlias (self, alias):
138 """ 139 Overview 140 ======== 141 This method will take a given alias and set keep track of its reference to this Region. No checks are 142 made currently, as this is assumed to be done in the calling function. This should only 143 really be done from the L{VariableViewer<client.Viewers.VariableViewer>} when the alias has 144 been established. 145 146 @param alias: The alias which references this object. 147 @type alias: L{Alias<client.Viewers.Items.Alias>} 148 """ 149 150 self._alias = alias 151 self.Display ()
153 - def Delete (self):
154 """ 155 Overview 156 ======== 157 This method will create a dialog that simply verifies that the user wishes to delete this region. 158 Note, this deletes the actual data object behind the abstract model. The data can't be recovered 159 after performing this action. 160 """ 161 162 dialog = Actions.DeleteDialog (self.treeWidget ()._bridge._mainWindow, self._name) 163 result = dialog.result () 164 if result == 1: # User clicked "Yes" 165 result = self.treeWidget ()._bridge._ipyShell.Command (str (self.parent () \ 166 ._shellAccess) + ".delete_child (" + self._shellAccess + ")", True) 167 if result.find ("rror") != -1: 168 self._bridge.Error ("", "Region", 169 "Delete", result) 170 return 171 self.treeWidget ()._bridge.Update ()
173 - def Paste (self):
174 """ 175 Overview 176 ======== 177 This action assumes something has been copied. Infact it only becomes available if something 178 has been copied. The copied abstract object is stored on the RegionTree. Regions may have other 179 Regions, Lists, or Grids under them. If an attribute was copied, nothing will happen. After a 180 Paste occurs, the copied object is no longer on the "clipboard". 181 """ 182 183 if self.treeWidget ()._copy and self.treeWidget ()._copy.Type () == "REGION": 184 if self.treeWidget ()._copy == self: return 185 result = self.treeWidget ()._bridge._ipyShell.Command (str (self._shellAccess) + 186 ".add_child (" + self.treeWidget ()._copy._shellAccess + ")") 187 elif self.treeWidget ()._copy and self.treeWidget ()._copy.Type () == "GRID": 188 result = self.treeWidget ()._bridge._ipyShell.Command (str (self._shellAccess) + 189 ".add_grid (\"" + self.treeWidget ()._copy._name + "\", " + 190 self.treeWidget ()._copy._shellAccess + ")") 191 elif self.treeWidget ()._copy and self.treeWidget ()._copy.Type () == "LIST": 192 result = self.treeWidget ()._bridge._ipyShell.Command (str (self._shellAccess) + 193 ".add_list (\"" + self.treeWidget ()._copy._name + "\", " + 194 self.treeWidget ()._copy._shellAccess + ")") 195 if result.find ("rror") != -1: 196 self.treeWidget ()._bridge.Error ("", "Region", "Paste", result)
198 - def Copy (self):
199 """ 200 Overview 201 ======== 202 Just adds this object to the "clipboard", located on the RegionTree. Doing so will allow Pastes 203 to occur in the menu system. 204 """ 205 206 self.treeWidget ()._copy = self
208 - def CreateRegion (self):
209 """ 210 Overview 211 ======== 212 This will prompt the user for a name. If a valid name is given, and the dialog wasn't cancelled, 213 this method will create an empty Region as a child of the region being represented by this 214 abstract region. 215 """ 216 217 item = self.treeWidget ().getSingleSelectedItem () 218 if item == None: 219 return 220 221 dialog = Actions.NameDialog (self.treeWidget ()._bridge._mainWindow, "Create Region...", PyQt4.QtGui.QIcon (Constants.ICON_DIR + \ 222 "/misc/createregion.png")) 223 result = dialog.result () 224 if result == 1 and () != "": # User clicked "Ok" 225 shell = self.treeWidget ()._bridge._ipyShell 226 commands = [] 227 shell.Command (str ( ()) + " = Region ()", False) 228 229 shell.removeTopLevelRegion (str ( ())) 230 commands.append (str ( ()) + ".set_name (\"" + 231 str ( ()) + "\")") 232 commands.append (str (item._shellAccess) + ".add_child (" + 233 str ( ()) + ")") 234 shell.BatchCommands (commands, True)
236 - def CreateGrid (self):
237 """ 238 Overview 239 ======== 240 This will prompt the user for a name. If a valid name is given, and the dialog wasn't 241 cancelled, this method will create an empty Grid as a child of the region being represented 242 by this abstract region. 243 """ 244 245 item = self.treeWidget ().getSingleSelectedItem () 246 if item == None: 247 return 248 249 dialog = Actions.NameDialog (self.treeWidget ()._bridge._mainWindow, "Create Grid...", PyQt4.QtGui.QIcon (Constants.ICON_DIR + \ 250 "/misc/creategrid.png")) 251 name = str ( ()) 252 result = dialog.result () 253 if result == 1 and name != "": # User clicked "Ok" 254 commands = [] 255 commands.append (name + " = Grid ()") 256 commands.append (str (item._shellAccess) + ".add_grid (\"" + 257 str ( ()) + "\", " + name + ")") 258 self.treeWidget ()._bridge._ipyShell.BatchCommands (commands)
259 260
261 - def CreateList (self):
262 """ 263 Overview 264 ======== 265 This will prompt the user for a name. If a valid name is given, and the dialog wasn't 266 cancelled, this method will create an empty List as a child of the region being represented 267 by this abstract region. 268 """ 269 item = self.treeWidget ().getSingleSelectedItem () 270 if item == None: 271 return 272 273 dialog = Actions.NameDialog (self.treeWidget ()._bridge._mainWindow, "Create List...", PyQt4.QtGui.QIcon (Constants.ICON_DIR + \ 274 "/misc/createlist.png")) 275 name = str ( ()) 276 result = dialog.result () 277 if result == 1 and name != "": # User clicked "Ok" 278 commands = [] 279 commands.append (name + " = List ()") 280 commands.append (str (item._shellAccess) + ".add_list (\"" + 281 str ( ()) + "\", " + name + ")") 282 self.treeWidget ()._bridge._ipyShell.BatchCommands (commands, False)
283 284
285 -class TopRegion (Region):
286 """ 287 Overview 288 ======== 289 This object is the graphical representation of one top-level Region under the RegionTree. 290 To constitute a valid TopRegion, it must have a name and shellAccess. The shellAccess is 291 a string of the ipython command needed to access the object. Their name is a shellAccess, 292 where both object attributes still exist with the same value, since TopRegions are both 293 basin objects and variables. 294 295 Any abstract object, including this one, may have an alias. An 296 alias is nothing more than setting a variable to an Abstract object. 297 The point being that some arbitrarily deep buried object might have 298 an obscene shellAccess, but the user can assign it to a variable 299 and the GUI will realize this and accomdate for it. Essentially 300 top-level Regions are aliases themselves, but you are welcome 301 to give it another alias name if you wish. 302 303 These objects are created by having passed it a list of strings that 304 identify the entire tree structure. Rather than just the information 305 specific to this tree branch, every node linearly "under" and including 306 this node is listed. It will find its current depth, and only generate 307 tree items based on that depth (and tree structure "deeper"), until 308 it has no more. All mutations to the list of strings are permanent, 309 so once a line generates a tree item, it disposes of itself. 310 """
311 - def __init__ (self, parent, info, name):
312 self._parent = parent 313 self._name = name 314 self._shellAccess = name 315 Region.__init__ (self, parent, name, info) 316 self.Display ()
318 - def isTop (self):
319 """ 320 TopRegion.isTop (self) 321 322 For top-level Regions this will always return True. 323 """ 324 return True
326 - def Delete (self):
327 """ 328 TopRegion.Delete (self) 329 330 This method will create a dialog that simply verifies 331 that the user wishes to delete this region. Note, this 332 deletes the actual data object behind the abstract model. 333 The data can't be recovered after performing this action. 334 """ 335 dialog = Actions.DeleteDialog (self.treeWidget ()._bridge._mainWindow, self._name) 336 result = dialog.result () 337 if result == 1: # User clicked"Yes" 338 self.treeWidget ()._bridge._ipyShell.removeTopLevelRegion (str (self._name)) 339 self.treeWidget ()._bridge._ipyShell.removeFreeVariable (str (self._name)) 340 commands = [] 341 commands.append ("del (" + self._shellAccess + ")") 342 self.treeWidget ()._bridge._ipyShell.BatchCommands (commands, True) 343 self.treeWidget ()._bridge.Update ()
344 345
346 -class Grid (PyQt4.QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem):
347 - def __init__ (self, parent, parentShellAccess, info):
348 PyQt4.QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem.__init__ (self) 349 parent.addChild (self) 350 self._parent = parent 351 352 background = PyQt4.QtGui.QColor (230, 255, 230) 353 gradient1 = PyQt4.QtGui.QLinearGradient (PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF(0, 0), PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF (33, 0)) 354 gradient1.setColorAt (0, PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.white) 355 gradient1.setColorAt (1, background) 356 brush1 = PyQt4.QtGui.QBrush (gradient1) 357 gradient2 = PyQt4.QtGui.QLinearGradient (PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF(0, 0), PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF (100, 0)) 358 gradient2.setColorAt (0, background) 359 gradient2.setColorAt (1, PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.white) 360 brush2 = PyQt4.QtGui.QBrush (gradient2) 361 362 self.setBackground (0, brush1) 363 self.setBackgroundColor (1, background) 364 self.setBackgroundColor (2, background) 365 self.setBackground (3, brush2) 366 self._alias = None 367 368 currentDepth = info[0].count ("^") 369 self.nameMe (parentShellAccess, info) 370 info.pop (0) 371 372 while len (info) > 0 and info[0].count ("^") > currentDepth: 373 regexp = re.compile ("\^*ATTRIBUTE:.*") 374 if regexp.match (info[0]): 375 Attribute (self, self._shellAccess, info) 376 377 self.Display () 378 self.setExpanded (True)
380 - def nameMe (self, parentShellAccess, info):
381 regexp = re.compile ("\^*GRID:.*") 382 if not regexp.match (info[0]): 383 return 384 self._name = info[0][info[0].index (":") + 1:] 385 self._shellAccess = str (parentShellAccess) + ".get_grid (\"" + self._name + "\")"
387 - def Display (self):
388 self.setText (0, PyQt4.QtCore.QString (str (self._name))) 389 self.setText (1, PyQt4.QtCore.QString ("Grid")) 390 self.setTextAlignment (0, PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft | PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) 391 self.setTextAlignment (1, PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.AlignRight | PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) 392 if self._alias: 393 self.setText (3, PyQt4.QtCore.QString (str (self._alias._name))) 394 else: 395 self.setText (3, PyQt4.QtCore.QString ("None"))
397 - def Type (self):
398 return "GRID"
400 - def setAlias (self, alias):
401 self._alias = alias 402 self.Display ()
404 - def Delete (self):
405 dialog = Actions.DeleteDialog (self.treeWidget ()._bridge._mainWindow, self._name) 406 result = dialog.result () 407 if result == 1: # User clicked "Yes" 408 commands = [] 409 commands.append (str (self.parent () \ 410 ._shellAccess) + ".delete_grid (\"" + self._name + "\")") 411 self.treeWidget ()._bridge._ipyShell.BatchCommands (commands, True) 412 self.treeWidget ()._bridge.Update ()
414 - def Paste (self):
415 if self.treeWidget ()._copy and self.treeWidget ()._copy.Type () == "ATTRIBUTE": 416 commands = [] 417 commands.append (str (self._shellAccess) + 418 ".add_attribute (\"" + self.treeWidget ()._copy._name + "\", " + 419 self.treeWidget ()._copy._shellAccess + ")") 420 self.treeWidget ()._copy = None 421 self.treeWidget ()._bridge._ipyShell.BatchCommands (commands, True)
423 - def Copy (self):
424 self.treeWidget ()._copy = self
425 426
427 -class List (PyQt4.QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem):
428 - def __init__ (self, parent, parentShellAccess, info):
429 PyQt4.QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem.__init__ (self) 430 parent.addChild (self) 431 self._parent = parent 432 433 background = PyQt4.QtGui.QColor (255, 230, 230) 434 gradient1 = PyQt4.QtGui.QLinearGradient (PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF(0, 0), PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF (33, 0)) 435 gradient1.setColorAt (0, PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.white) 436 gradient1.setColorAt (1, background) 437 brush1 = PyQt4.QtGui.QBrush (gradient1) 438 gradient2 = PyQt4.QtGui.QLinearGradient (PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF(0, 0), PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF (100, 0)) 439 gradient2.setColorAt (0, background) 440 gradient2.setColorAt (1, PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.white) 441 brush2 = PyQt4.QtGui.QBrush (gradient2) 442 443 self.setBackground (0, brush1) 444 self.setBackgroundColor (1, background) 445 self.setBackgroundColor (2, background) 446 self.setBackground (3, brush2) 447 self._alias = None 448 449 currentDepth = info[0].count ("^") 450 self.nameMe (parentShellAccess, info) 451 info.pop (0) 452 453 while len (info) > 0 and info[0].count ("^") > currentDepth: 454 regexp = re.compile ("\^*ATTRIBUTE:.*") 455 if regexp.match (info[0]): 456 Attribute (self, self._shellAccess, info) 457 458 self.setExpanded (True) 459 self.Display ()
461 - def nameMe (self, parentShellAccess, info):
462 regexp = re.compile ("\^*LIST:.*") 463 if not regexp.match (info[0]): 464 return 465 self._name = info[0][info[0].index (":") + 1:] 466 self._shellAccess = str (parentShellAccess) + ".get_list (\"" + self._name + "\")"
468 - def Display (self):
469 self.setText (0, PyQt4.QtCore.QString (str (self._name))) 470 self.setText (1, PyQt4.QtCore.QString ("List")) 471 self.setTextAlignment (0, PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft | PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) 472 self.setTextAlignment (1, PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.AlignRight | PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) 473 if self._alias: 474 self.setText (3, PyQt4.QtCore.QString (str (self._alias._name))) 475 else: 476 self.setText (3, PyQt4.QtCore.QString ("None"))
478 - def Type (self):
479 return "LIST"
481 - def setAlias (self, alias):
482 self._alias = alias 483 self.Display ()
485 - def Delete (self):
486 dialog = Actions.DeleteDialog (self.treeWidget ()._bridge._mainWindow, self._name) 487 result = dialog.result () 488 if result == 1: # User clicked "Yes" 489 commands = [] 490 commands.append (str (self.parent ()._shellAccess) + 491 ".delete_list (\"" + self._name + "\")") 492 self.treeWidget ()._bridge._ipyShell.BatchCommands (commands, True) 493 self.treeWidget ()._bridge.Update ()
495 - def Paste (self):
496 if self.treeWidget ()._copy and self.treeWidget ()._copy.Type () == "ATTRIBUTE": 497 commands = [] 498 commands.append (str (self._shellAccess) + 499 ".add_attribute (\"" + self.treeWidget ()._copy._name + "\", " + 500 self.treeWidget ()._copy._shellAccess + ")") 501 self.treeWidget ()._copy = None 502 self.treeWidget ()._bridge._ipyShell.BatchCommands (commands, True)
504 - def Copy (self):
505 self.treeWidget ()._copy = self
506 507
508 -class Attribute (PyQt4.QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem):
509 # Standard init that will add it to the parent item, 510 # after probing ipython for its particular information
511 - def __init__ (self, parent, parentShellAccess, info):
512 PyQt4.QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem.__init__ (self) 513 parent.addChild (self) 514 self._parent = parent 515 516 background = PyQt4.QtGui.QColor (230, 230, 230) 517 gradient1 = PyQt4.QtGui.QLinearGradient (PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF(0, 0), PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF(33, 0)) 518 gradient1.setColorAt (0, PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.white) 519 gradient1.setColorAt (1, background) 520 brush1 = PyQt4.QtGui.QBrush (gradient1) 521 gradient2 = PyQt4.QtGui.QLinearGradient (PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF(0, 0), PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF(100, 0)) 522 gradient2.setColorAt (0, background) 523 gradient2.setColorAt (1, PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.white) 524 brush2 = PyQt4.QtGui.QBrush (gradient2) 525 526 self.setBackground (0, brush1) 527 self.setBackgroundColor (1, background) 528 self.setBackgroundColor (2, background) 529 self.setBackground (3, brush2) 530 self._alias = None 531 532 currentDepth = info[0].count ("^") 533 self.nameMe (parentShellAccess, info) 534 info.pop (0) 535 536 self.getDims (info) 537 info.pop (0) 538 539 self.Display ()
540 541 # Display information for the item in the QTreeWidget... 542 # It should display the name, the fact that its an attribute, 543 # its dimensionality, and its alias, if any
544 - def Display (self):
545 self.setText (0, PyQt4.QtCore.QString (str (self._name))) 546 self.setText (1, PyQt4.QtCore.QString ("Attribute")) 547 self.setText (2, PyQt4.QtCore.QString (str (self._dims))) 548 if self._alias: 549 self.setText (3, PyQt4.QtCore.QString (str (self._alias._name))) 550 else: 551 self.setText (3, PyQt4.QtCore.QString ("None")) 552 self.setTextAlignment (0, PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft | PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) 553 self.setTextAlignment (1, PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.AlignRight | PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) 554 self.setTextAlignment (2, PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.AlignRight | PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter)
555 556 # retrieves the dimensionality of an attribute via probing the ipython session 557 # It should be mentioned, in basin an attribute's name appears twice, one in the attribute, and also 558 # in the list/grid's map that maps to the attribute
559 - def nameMe (self, parentShellAccess, info):
560 regexp = re.compile ("\^*ATTRIBUTE:.*") 561 if not regexp.match (info[0]): 562 return 563 self._name = info[0][info[0].index (":") + 1:] 564 self._shellAccess = str (parentShellAccess) + ".get_attribute (\"" + self._name + "\")"
565 566 # retrieves the dimensionality of an attribute via probing the ipython session
567 - def getDims (self, info):
568 regexp = re.compile ("\^*DIMENSION:.*") 569 if not regexp.match (info[0]): 570 return 571 self._dims = info[0][info[0].index (":") + 1:]
572 573 # Returns the type, this is useful because often this is mixed in 574 # which objects of types LIST, GRID, or REGION 575 # and specific ones need to be targeted
576 - def Type (self):
577 return "ATTRIBUTE"
578 579 # Sets the alias, which is a PyQt4.QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem from the variableViewer 580 # This is also called from the variableViewer, when aliases find their reference, they 581 # call setAlias on their reference
582 - def setAlias (self, alias):
583 self._alias = alias 584 self.Display ()
585 586 # Calls the class Actions.DeleteDialog, and if it is successful deletes it from its parent
587 - def Delete (self):
588 dialog = Actions.DeleteDialog (self.treeWidget ()._bridge._mainWindow, self._name) 589 result = dialog.result () 590 if result == 1: # User clicked "Yes" 591 # The only way to delete an attribute is from its parent, 592 # and with the string name of the attribute you wish to delete. 593 commands = [] 594 commands.append (str (self.parent ()._shellAccess) + 595 ".delete_attribute (\"" + self._name + "\")") 596 self.treeWidget ()._bridge._ipyShell.BatchCommands (commands, True) 597 self.treeWidget ()._bridge.Update ()
599 - def Copy (self):
600 self.treeWidget ()._copy = self
601 602
603 -class Alias (PyQt4.QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem):
604 - def __init__ (self, parent, name, access):
605 PyQt4.QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem.__init__ (self, parent) 606 607 background = PyQt4.QtGui.QColor (255, 228, 181) 608 gradient1 = PyQt4.QtGui.QLinearGradient (PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF(0, 0), PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF(33, 0)) 609 gradient1.setColorAt (0, PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.white) 610 gradient1.setColorAt (1, background) 611 brush1 = PyQt4.QtGui.QBrush (gradient1) 612 gradient2 = PyQt4.QtGui.QLinearGradient (PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF(0, 0), PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF(100, 0)) 613 gradient2.setColorAt (0, background) 614 gradient2.setColorAt (1, PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.white) 615 brush2 = PyQt4.QtGui.QBrush (gradient2) 616 617 self.setBackground (0, brush1) 618 self.setBackgroundColor (1, background) 619 self.setBackground (2, brush2) 620 self.setText (0, PyQt4.QtCore.QString (str (name))) 621 self.setText (1, PyQt4.QtCore.QString ("Alias")) 622 self._shellAccess = str (access) 623 self._item = None 624 self._name = name 625 self.findReference ()
627 - def Type (self):
628 return "ALIAS"
630 - def findReference (self):
631 iter = PyQt4.QtGui.QTreeWidgetItemIterator (self.treeWidget ()._bridge._regionViewer) 632 while iter.value (): 633 if iter.value ().text (0) != "BASIN": 634 if self._shellAccess.replace (" ", "") == \ 635 iter.value ()._shellAccess.replace (" ", ""): 636 self.setText (2, PyQt4.QtCore.QString (str (iter.value ()._name))) 637 iter.value ().setAlias (self) 638 self._item = iter.value () 639 return True 640 iter += 1 641 return False
643 - def Delete (self):
644 if self._item.Type () == "REGION" and self._item.isTop (): 645 # Deleting the aliased item will also delete this 646 self._item.Delete () 647 else: 648 self.treeWidget ()._bridge._ipyShell.removeFreeVariable (self._name) 649 self.treeWidget ()._bridge.Update ()
650 651
652 -class Value (PyQt4.QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem):
653 - def __init__ (self, parent, name):
654 PyQt4.QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem.__init__ (self, parent) 655 656 background = PyQt4.QtGui.QColor (152, 251, 152) 657 gradient1 = PyQt4.QtGui.QLinearGradient (PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF(0, 0), PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF (33, 0)) 658 gradient1.setColorAt (0.0, PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.white) 659 gradient1.setColorAt (1.0, background) 660 brush1 = PyQt4.QtGui.QBrush (gradient1) 661 gradient2 = PyQt4.QtGui.QLinearGradient (PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF(0, 0), PyQt4.QtCore.QPointF (100, 0)) 662 gradient2.setColorAt (0.0, background) 663 gradient2.setColorAt (1.0, PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.white) 664 brush2 = PyQt4.QtGui.QBrush (gradient2) 665 666 self.setBackground (0, brush1) 667 self.setBackgroundColor (1, background) 668 self.setBackground (2, brush2) 669 self.setText (0, PyQt4.QtCore.QString (str (name))) 670 671 # where everything else usually references something else, a value is itself, and so 672 # these values are redundant, but make it look the same as any other object 673 self._item = self 674 self._name = name 675 self._shellAccess = name 676 self._type = self.getRealType () 677 self.setText (1, PyQt4.QtCore.QString (str (self._type)))
679 - def Type (self):
680 return "VALUE"
682 - def getRealType (self):
683 result = self.treeWidget ()._bridge._ipyShell.ControllerCommand \ 684 ("print str (type (" + self._name + "))") 685 if result.find ("Error") != -1: 686 self.treeWidget ()._bridge.Error ("", \ 687 "VariableValue", "getRealType", result) 688 return "#Error" 689 begin = result.find ("'") 690 close = result.rfind ("'") 691 return result[begin + 1:close]
693 - def Delete (self):
694 dialog = Actions.DeleteDialog (self.treeWidget ()._bridge._mainWindow, self._name) 695 result = dialog.result () 696 if result == 1: # "Yes" 697 self.treeWidget ()._bridge._ipyShell.removeFreeVariable (str (self._name)) 698 commands = [] 699 commands.append ("del (" + self._shellAccess + ")") 700 self.treeWidget ()._bridge._ipyShell.BatchCommands (commands, True) 701 self.treeWidget ()._bridge.Update ()