
   Goran Karapetrov

Syllabus - Solid State II


1. Review of the Theory of Metals

·       Fermi surface, de Haas-van Alphen and Shubnikov-de Haas experiments, experimental methods of mapping of Fermi surfaces

·       transport phenomena, magnetoriesistance, Hall effect, Boltzmann equation formalism and transport in real materials

2. Magnetism

·       Electronic susceptibility, exchange interaction, Dia-/Para-/Ferro-/Ferri-magnetism, magnetic impurities in metals and correlation effects, magnons

·       Measurement of magnetic properties – DC magnetization, NMR, FMR, EPR

·       Spin Hall effect, Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, Skyrmions

3. Dielectric properties of Insulators

·       Polarizability, pyroelectricity, ferroelectricity.

4. Semiconductors

·       Carrier statistics, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, impurity bands

5. Plasmons, Polaritons and Polarons

·       Dielectric function of electron gas, electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions

6. Excitons

·       Coupling of light with electrons and excitons, transient spectroscopies, Raman spectroscopy

7. Superconductivity

·       Phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau theory, thermodynamic properties of superconductors, microscopic origins of superconductivity

·       Unconventional superconductors

8. Effects in systems with reduced dimensionality

·       Quantum Hall effect, Landauer formalism,

·       localization effects, Kondo scattering, Mott insulator,

·       quantum dots and single electron transistor,

·       topological insulators

Other topics can be explored depending on the students’ interests.

info-solid state physics


PHYS 627

Spring 2018/19

11-12:20am TUE and THU @ Disque Hall 919

Instructor: Prof. Goran Karapetrov

Office: Disque 609

Contact: tel: 215 571 4090 ,

e-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Office hours: 11am-12:30pm every MON and WED

Textbook: “Fundamentals of Condensed Matter Physics” by M.L. Cohen and S.G. Louie (Cambridge University Press 2016);