Transient optical reflectivity in CuTiSe2
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- Published on Tuesday, 18 December 2018 14:10

In this work we have performed an ultrafast optical pump-probe experiments in which we have varied laser fluence, copper doping, and temperature to explore the phase diagram of CuxTiSe2 single crystals. Copper doping was found to weaken the excitonic condensate and decouple it from the L1 − phonon mode, leading to fluctuations that are indicative of a quantum phase transition near x=0.04. This, along with a loss of coherence in the A1g response at Cu0.04TiSe2 , supports the picture of a commensurate CDW in intrinsic TiSe2 which, upon Cu intercalation, transitions into a state with a different symmetry characterized by an incommensurate CDW that coexists with superconductivity.
By varying the pump fluence we were able to non-thermally melt the CDW order. At pump pulse fluences higher than 0.9 mJ/cm2 we show that non-thermal melting of the CDW yields the normal phase A1g response at 6.2 THz shown in the figure while the lattice temperature (T=3K) is well below the CDW phase transition.
The details about the experiment and the findings can be found in the manuscript.