Package client :: Module Preferences :: Class Preferences
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Class Preferences

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This is the overall preferences dialog. It essentially has a left column of different types of preferences, and by clicking on these options you load (and by load, I mean uncover) the section of preferences you want to edit. The right side is dedicated to the sections.

Each section is otherwise self sufficient from finding the settings to saving them. This class manages the sections, not the preferences themselves.

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QDialog: DialogCode

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QPaintDevice: PaintDeviceMetric

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, bridge)
The initialization method sets up how the preferences dialog will work, but nothing about the actual preferences.
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changeDisplay(self, item)
This method will make the current displayed preference section invisible, and then make the passed `item` preferences widget visisble.
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This method simply encapsulates the adding of the Connection Preferences.
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This method simply encapsulates the adding of the Tool Bar Preferences.
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This method simply encapsulates the adding of the Appearance Preferences.
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This method simply encapsulates the adding of the General Preferences.
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Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QDialog: accept, actionEvent, changeEvent, childEvent, closeEvent, connectNotify, contextMenuEvent, create, customEvent, destroy, disconnectNotify, done, dragEnterEvent, dragLeaveEvent, dragMoveEvent, dropEvent, enabledChange, enterEvent, event, eventFilter, exec_, extension, focusInEvent, focusNextChild, focusNextPrevChild, focusOutEvent, focusPreviousChild, fontChange, hideEvent, inputMethodEvent, isSizeGripEnabled, keyPressEvent, keyReleaseEvent, languageChange, leaveEvent, metric, minimumSizeHint, mouseDoubleClickEvent, mouseMoveEvent, mousePressEvent, mouseReleaseEvent, moveEvent, orientation, paintEvent, paletteChange, receivers, reject, resetInputContext, resizeEvent, result, sender, setExtension, setModal, setOrientation, setResult, setSizeGripEnabled, setVisible, showEvent, showExtension, sizeHint, tabletEvent, timerEvent, updateMicroFocus, wheelEvent, windowActivationChange

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QWidget: acceptDrops, actions, activateWindow, addAction, addActions, adjustSize, autoFillBackground, backgroundRole, baseSize, childAt, childrenRect, childrenRegion, clearFocus, clearMask, close, contentsRect, contextMenuPolicy, cursor, devType, ensurePolished, find, focusPolicy, focusProxy, focusWidget, font, fontInfo, fontMetrics, foregroundRole, frameGeometry, frameSize, geometry, getContentsMargins, grabKeyboard, grabMouse, grabShortcut, handle, hasFocus, hasMouseTracking, height, heightForWidth, hide, inputContext, inputMethodQuery, insertAction, insertActions, isActiveWindow, isAncestorOf, isEnabled, isEnabledTo, isEnabledToTLW, isFullScreen, isHidden, isLeftToRight, isMaximized, isMinimized, isModal, isRightToLeft, isTopLevel, isVisible, isVisibleTo, isWindow, isWindowModified, keyboardGrabber, layout, layoutDirection, lower, mapFrom, mapFromGlobal, mapFromParent, mapTo, mapToGlobal, mapToParent, mask, maximumHeight, maximumSize, maximumWidth, minimumHeight, minimumSize, minimumWidth, mouseGrabber, move, nextInFocusChain, normalGeometry, overrideWindowFlags, overrideWindowState, paintEngine, palette, parentWidget, pos, raise_, rect, releaseKeyboard, releaseMouse, releaseShortcut, removeAction, repaint, resize, restoreGeometry, saveGeometry, scroll, setAcceptDrops, setAttribute, setAutoFillBackground, setBackgroundRole, setBaseSize, setContentsMargins, setContextMenuPolicy, setCursor, setDisabled, setEnabled, setFixedHeight, setFixedSize, setFixedWidth, setFocus, setFocusPolicy, setFocusProxy, setFont, setForegroundRole, setGeometry, setHidden, setInputContext, setLayout, setLayoutDirection, setMask, setMaximumHeight, setMaximumSize, setMaximumWidth, setMinimumHeight, setMinimumSize, setMinimumWidth, setMouseTracking, setPalette, setParent, setShortcutAutoRepeat, setShortcutEnabled, setShown, setSizeIncrement, setSizePolicy, setStatusTip, setStyle, setStyleSheet, setTabOrder, setToolTip, setUpdatesEnabled, setWhatsThis, setWindowFlags, setWindowIcon, setWindowIconText, setWindowModality, setWindowModified, setWindowOpacity, setWindowRole, setWindowState, setWindowTitle, show, showFullScreen, showMaximized, showMinimized, showNormal, size, sizeIncrement, sizePolicy, stackUnder, statusTip, style, styleSheet, testAttribute, toolTip, topLevelWidget, underMouse, unsetCursor, unsetLayoutDirection, update, updateGeometry, updatesEnabled, visibleRegion, whatsThis, width, winId, window, windowFlags, windowIcon, windowIconText, windowModality, windowOpacity, windowRole, windowState, windowTitle, windowType, x, x11Info, x11PictureHandle, y

Inherited from PyQt4.QtCore.QObject: blockSignals, children, connect, deleteLater, disconnect, dumpObjectInfo, dumpObjectTree, dynamicPropertyNames, emit, findChild, findChildren, inherits, installEventFilter, isWidgetType, killTimer, metaObject, moveToThread, objectName, parent, property, removeEventFilter, setObjectName, setProperty, signalsBlocked, startTimer, thread, tr, trUtf8

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QPaintDevice: depth, heightMM, logicalDpiX, logicalDpiY, numColors, paintingActive, physicalDpiX, physicalDpiY, widthMM

Inherited from sip.wrapper: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __setattr__

Inherited from object: __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __str__

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QDialog: Accepted, Rejected

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QPaintDevice: PdmDepth, PdmDpiX, PdmDpiY, PdmHeight, PdmHeightMM, PdmNumColors, PdmPhysicalDpiX, PdmPhysicalDpiY, PdmWidth, PdmWidthMM

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, bridge)

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The initialization method sets up how the preferences dialog will work, but nothing about the actual preferences.

It sets up the eometry of the dialog box, then makes a left-hand list of the sections that can be selected. After actually creating the secitons in their respective classes, it sets up the mechanism for switching between them.

Overrides: object.__init__

changeDisplay(self, item)

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This method will make the current displayed preference section invisible, and then make the passed `item` preferences widget visisble. This is connected to slicking or selecting items from the left-hand list of preferences sections.


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This method simply encapsulates the adding of the Connection Preferences. It is an organizational encapsulation, as nothing is really gained from taking this out of __init__.

This sets up the ConnectionPreferences class, and then makes it inviisble until the user actually wants to use it.


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This method simply encapsulates the adding of the Tool Bar Preferences. It is an organizational encapsulation, as nothing is really gained from taking this out of __init__.

This sets up the ToolBarPreferences class, and then makes it inviisble until the user actually wants to use it.


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This method simply encapsulates the adding of the Appearance Preferences. It is an organizational encapsulation, as nothing is really gained from taking this out of __init__.

This sets up the AppearancePreferences class, and then makes it inviisble until the user actually wants to use it.


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This method simply encapsulates the adding of the General Preferences. It is an organizational encapsulation, as nothing is really gained from taking this out of __init__.

This sets up the GeneralPreferences class, and then makes it inviisble until the user actually wants to use it.