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These are essentially the miscellaneous options that weren't grouped well enough to warrant their own section. They include such things as:
These settings get saved in ~/.basin/client/general.conf
Inherited from Inherited from |
Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from |
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Inherited from |
GeneralPreferences.__init__ (self, bridge) The initialization of the General Preferences section of the Preferences dialog simply lays out a few simple options for the user. It sets up a place to enter a default path for open/saving to default to. It sets up three checkboxes for auto-guessing auto-inplace functions, and limiting output.
GeneralPreferences.getValues (self) This method is generally only to be called initially. It retrieves the settings that it controls from the bridge. The widgets which are affected from these settings need to be aware of the settings from the bridge, so this informs the preferences menu of what is already set. If settings are then applied after this, they will both be saved to the bridge, where they will go into effect, but also to the conf file: ~/.basin/client/general.conf |
GeneralPreferences.saveSettings (self) This is a fairly straight forward method which takes the current settings, regarldess of what they are, were, or anything, saves them to ~/.basin/client/general.conf If the file didn't already exist, thats no problem and it will now. This will also make the bridge re-load the values from the newly created file. In general, the format of the file ignores non newline whitespace. It follows the format: SETTING:value Order is irrelevant! Everything obviously gets saved as a string, to this needs to be kept in mind when re-loading at the bridge. |
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