To perform accurate Monte Carlo Integration requires
sampling the function using random numbers distributed according to
a positive definite weight function
. The Metropolis Et Al
was devised to generate random numbers with arbitrary positive
weight function
. This algorithm, due to Metropolis, Rosenbluth,
Rosenbluth, Taller, and Taller, in 1953, has become a very important
tool for any Monte Carlo technique.
Assume that is a
variable in the multi-dimensional space. We are looking for a
set of points
in this phase space which follow a probability
. The sequence of points
to the points
visited by a guided random walker moving through this multi-dimensional
space as his walk becomes longer and longer.
The algorithm can be described as follows: assume the walker is
at the point in the sequence. The walker takes a tentative trial step
to a new point
. This point can be chosen in any convenient way, for
example using a uniform random choice within a multi-dimensional cube
of the small size
. This trial step is then accepted or
rejected according to the ratio.
If then the step is accepted (
). If
the trial
step is accepted with probability
. This is accomplished by comparing
with the random number
uniformly distributed in the interval [0,1]
and accepting the step if
). If the trial step is not accepted
then it is rejected,(
which means that it does not participate in taking
Any arbitrary points
can be used as the starting point
for the random walk. All steps are generated by the algorithm as
It is possible to prove that this algorithm yields a distribution of
random numbers, set of points in multi-dimensional space,
according to the weight function .
The proof is in one of the following subsections.
An interesting question is what to choose for the step size, . This
choice is obviously arbitrary. Taking
too large will result
in poor sampling since when near a maximum of
very few steps will
take the walker away from the maximum. If on the other hand the steps
are too small, the walker will stand litttle chance to explore
the space by going far from the initial point.
Neither of these two choices yields efficient sampling of
the space. In practice
is chosen so as to have roughly half of
the trial steps accepted by the criteria of the algorithm.
A great danger in sampling a multi-dimensional space via a random walk is to have steps taken by the walker which are not independent from one another. This could result from poor random number generation algorithms or from the way the walk is built. If this happens then the calculation of integrals by averaging over points in a random walk will be innacurate.
Michel Vallieres 2014-04-01