
   Goran Karapetrov

Scanning Probe Microscopy


  • Variable Temperature UHV Scanning Probe Microscope AFM/STM (RHK UHV-3500). The microscope is equipped with e-beam evaporation system, variable temperature LEED-Auger, RGA, and other auxiliary tools that facilitate sample preparation and control under UHV environment. The system is installed in an STC-50 rated acoustic chamber.


  • Bruker Multimode 8 ambient AFM/STM/EC-AFM/EC-STM microscope in acoustic chamber. We have an option to introduce the microscope in a controlled atmosphere environment (glove box) for studies in controlled atmosphere environment.



  • Three-zone furnace for single crystal growth
  • Electrochemistry setup
  • RF annealing station with controlled gas flow atmosphere
  • RF network analyzer
  • 9T variable temperature cryostat (base temperature 1.8K) 
  • Auxiliary equipment (optical microscopes, probe station, etc)


User Facilites

Philadelphia region has highly developed academic and research infrastructure. This is a sample list of user facilities that our group utilizes on a regular basis: