Maple help on "print" 

print - pretty-printing of expressions

Calling Sequence:

     print(e1, e2, ... )


     e1, e2, ... - any expressions


·        The function print displays the values of the expressions appearing as arguments, and returns NULL as the function value. The expressions printed are separated by a comma and a blank. Note that print('``') will print a blank line. The ditto commands, % and %%, will not recall the output of the print command, since the return value of the function is NULL.

·        The following Iris variables control the format. See interface for setting Iris variables.

·        The Iris variable prettyprint is checked to determine the format in which the expressions are to be printed. If set to true (the default value) the expressions will be displayed in a two-dimensional format, centered if possible. If set to false the expressions will be line printed in one dimension.

·        The Iris variable verboseproc is checked to determine how the body of Maple procedures (i.e. the code) will be displayed. It can be displayed in full, with indentation, or abbreviated to simply ``...''. By default user procedures are displayed in full, and Maple library procedures are abbreviated.

·        The Iris variable screenwidth specifies the number of characters that fit on the output device being used. Since most CRTs are 80 characters wide, the default value is 79.

·        The Iris variable labelling (or labeling) enables the use of % variables to reduce the size of the output. These % labels identify common subexpressions (those appearing more than once) in the output.

·        The evaluation of arrays, tables, procedures, and operators is different from other objects in that when assigned to a name, they will normally print with simply the name. For example, if the name A has been assigned array([1,2,3]) then A; will display just A. To print the array object in full use print(A);

·        There is a limited facility for user-defined formatting of functions. For example, if the user assigns

    `print/complex` := proc(real,imag) real + 'j'*imag end

           then during output of the value complex(2,3), the `print/complex` procedure will be called with the arguments 2, 3 resulting in the value 2 + 3*j which will finally be displayed as 2 + 3 j. Note that arguments are formatted first, and alias substitutions take place after formatting is completed.


> print(red,rouge,rot);

> v := array([1,2,3]):

> print(v);

> sin;

> print(sin);

See Also:

lprint, printf, interface, alias, writeto, save, sort 


Any questions or suggestions should be directed to
Michel Vallières at