- an expression sequence
A set is an unordered sequence of distinct expressions enclosed in
braces, representing a set in the mathematical sense. The user should not assume
that the expressions will be maintained in any particular order because Maple
uses an ordering convenient for its implementation.
A list is an ordered sequence of expressions enclosed in square
brackets. The ordering of the expressions is the ordering of es.
Note that es may be empty so that the empty set is represented by
{} and the empty list is represented by [].
The elements of a set or list may be extracted via the selection
operation. Thus, if S is a set or list then the ith to jth elements of S can be
obtained by: S[i..j] or equivalently, op(i..j,S). Negative selectors can also be
used. The -1th element is the last, the -2th the second last, and so on.
Lists and sets can be nested, in which case selection can be done
in one of two ways: S[i][j]..[n] or S[i,j,..n].
Appending an element x to a list L is done by [op(L),x]. Inserting
an element x to a set S is done using the union operator S union {x}.
Replacing the i-th element of a list L by x can be done by
subsop(i=x,L). Deleting the i-th element of a list L is subsop(i=NULL,L).
Deleting an element x from a set S is done using the minus operator S minus {x}.
> {x,y,y};
> {y,x,y};
> [x,y,y];
> [y,x,y];
> L
:= [seq(x[i],i=1..4)];
> L[2];
> L
:= [op(L),x[5]];
> L[-3..-2];
> L
:= subsop(2=NULL,L);
> L
:= [1,[2,3],[4,[5,6],7],8,9];
> L[3,2,1];
> L[3][2][1];
type[set], type[list],
selection, op,
nops, union,
intersect, minus,
member, convert,
![]() |
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