Turns out web developement is fairly difficult! I have no idea what I am doing. Thankfully I am used to this by now, in the best way possible. Where’s the fun in playing with a new toy if you don’t break anything? Speaking of which, I somehow am no longer compiling the ‘publications’ tab on this site. No idea why. git diff-ing a previous commit shows no difference to any of the publication dependencies. Will need to look into this more. Updates to come!

5pm: New oddity. Though I have a header in my .markdown post file setting the date to be February 27, 2020 15:09:00, the displayed post date is 10:09. Apparently I am operating on Hawaiian-time…

5:10pm: That’s it for me at the office. Surprisingly slightly light outside still. I’ve heard murmurings of daylight savings being this weekend. If that is true, I’ll be stoked. Beer gardens. I would say “evening runs” too, but my motivation for such has been at a seemingly alltime low. Oh well. Lots of work done on the website today:

  • cleared template files
  • wrote this blog
  • broke my 'publications' tab

A full-on success if I do say so myself. Let’s push this and be done with it. Time to wander home. Hmm what will I make for dinner tonight? Oh wait… A pit stop at Fresh Grocer it is, then.