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The Main Diner Page

Diner Illustration by John Baeder
The Last American Diner, formerly of Boulder, CO. It is a sad but true fact that this ironically named structure is no longer standing. Matty Leighton a former employee of the Last American writes:" The LA Diner was torn down because the proprietors did not own the building, and it was unfortunately located in an area of Boulder which is prime commercial real estate. The owners of the land sold it to Soundtrack, which thoughtfully built an enormous purple 'superstore,' blocking the lovely view of the mountains which was visible over the Diner's somewhat bizarre facade. Final day of operation was June 23, 1996. Demolition took place July 8-9."
The Forked River Diner, sent to me by C. Schiotz. He exclaims, "best clam chowder, worst homefries, OK coffee, super service."
The Amwell Diner, on Route 31. Thanks to Chris Schiotz for sending me the picture.
Susie and Mike in front of the Pig 'n' Whistle which is inexplicibly closed on a Friday night.
Tania Z Samantha Kamensky in front of the Seaplane diner in beautiful and historic Providence, Rhode Island.
Wes, Erick, Antonio, and Oleg heading into the Middlesex Diner. Note: I wouldn't recommend this move to everyone!
The Colts Neck Diner, which operated in the 60s. This image was sent to me by Mary Lukowski, whose father apparently owned the place.
I got this note from Dan: This is the old BOBs Diner from Rt. 30 in Colombia Pa. I purchased it in early 1992 and have it shipped and storage on my property in Southern Maryland. Its a 1947 Mountain View Diner and in excellent condition...maybe some day I'll open it up if I find a spot. Till then its a great Sunday morning retreat with a hot CUP of Joe!!! Keep up the Good Work.......Dan
The inside of Bob's Diner.
The Diner on the Square in Philadelphia. I was never particularly fond of the place, but I didn't wish it any real harm. Now, alas, it's closed for good.
The Silver Diner in Arlington, VA. I went down to this place with Matty and her roommate, Kathy, during my extended stay at NASA. Nice place, and Kathy found the waiter utterly dreamy.
The Suffolk Diner outside of Boston. This was one of the many places at which Susie, Mike, and I tried unsuccessfully to eat.