Physics 101: Fundamentals of Physics I

Lecturer (Spring 2008): Prof. Dave Goldberg

    Lectures:      MW 1:00-1:50, Disque 103
    Office:        Disque 810
    Office Hours:  M,W 2-3 or by appointment in advance
    Phone:         (215) 895-2715
    Fax:           (215) 895-5934


Teaching Assistants

Lab Manager

Lab TAs

Jeff's Cartoons

As you may have noticed, each week, Jeff does an original cartoon for the homework solution on the theme of the homework from that week. If you'd like to share these, feel free to download them here:

Note: Odd lab sections meet on odd weeks of term (3,5,7,9), and even lab sections meet on even weeks of term (2,4,6,8). The two exceptions are Section 72, which meets on odd weeks, and Section 63, which meets on even weeks.

Note: Homework solutions will be passed back in recitation, and will not be posted here. We will, however, announce exams, post extra materials, and post materials passed out in lectures.

Course Announcements

Course Material