
Describe the attributes of an event with byte informational data in MPI_COMM_WORLD.


int MPE_Describe_info_event( int eventID,
                             const char *name, const char *color,
                             const char *format )

Input Parameters

event number for the event.
name of the event, the maximum length of the NULL-terminated string is, sizeof(CLOG_DESC), 32.
color of the event, the maximum length of the NULL-terminated string is, sizeof(CLOG_COLOR), 24.
printf style %-token format control string for the event, the maximum length of the NULL-terminated string is, sizeof(CLOG_FORMAT), 40. If format is NULL, it is equivalent to calling MPE_Describe_event(). The fortran interface of this routine considers the zero-length string, "", and single-blank string, " ", as NULL.


Adds a event definition to the logfile. The function is provided for backward compatibility purpose. Users are urged to use 'MPE_Describe_comm_event' instead.

Notes on storage format control support

The format control string is printf like, e.g. "Comment = %s". All the MPE %-token storage support is provided by SLOG-2. That is whatever supported by SLOG-2 will be supported by MPE. Currently, the following is supported.

%s : variable length string, byte buffer size is length of string + 2.

%h : 2-byte integer, printed as decimal integer, byte buffer size is 2.

%d : 4-byte integer, printed as decimal integer, byte buffer size is 4.

%l : 8-byte integer, printed as decimal integer, byte buffer size is 8.

%x : 4-byte integer, printed as hexadecimal integer, byte buffer size is 4.

%X : 8-byte integer, printed as hexadecimal integer, byte buffer size is 8.

%e : 4-byte float, printed as decimal float, byte buffer size is 4.

%E : 8-byte float, printed as decimal float, byte buffer size is 8.

See Also

MPE_Log_get_solo_eventID(), MPE_Describe_comm_event()
