
Describe the attributes of an event with byte informational data in a specified MPI_Comm.


int MPE_Describe_comm_event( MPI_Comm comm, int local_thread,
                             int eventID,
                             const char *name, const char *color,
                             const char *format )

Input Parameters

MPI_Comm where this process is part of.
local thread ID where the event is being defined.
event number for the event.
name of the event, the maximum length of the NULL-terminated string is, sizeof(CLOG_DESC), 32.
color of the event, the maximum length of the NULL-terminated string is, sizeof(CLOG_COLOR), 24.
printf style %-token format control string for the event, the maximum length of the NULL-terminated string is, sizeof(CLOG_FORMAT), 40. If format is NULL, it is equivalent to calling MPE_Describe_event(). The fortran interface of this routine considers the zero-length string, "", and single-blank string, " ", as NULL.


Adds a event definition to the logfile.

Notes on storage format control support

The format control string is printf like, e.g. "Comment = %s". All the MPE %-token storage support is provided by SLOG-2. That is whatever supported by SLOG-2 will be supported by MPE. Currently, the following is supported.

%s : variable length string, byte buffer size is length of string + 2.

%h : 2-byte integer, printed as decimal integer, byte buffer size is 2.

%d : 4-byte integer, printed as decimal integer, byte buffer size is 4.

%l : 8-byte integer, printed as decimal integer, byte buffer size is 8.

%x : 4-byte integer, printed as hexadecimal integer, byte buffer size is 4.

%X : 8-byte integer, printed as hexadecimal integer, byte buffer size is 8.

%e : 4-byte float, printed as decimal float, byte buffer size is 4.

%E : 8-byte float, printed as decimal float, byte buffer size is 8.

See Also

