PDEs are traditionally classified into three broad categories: elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic equations. However, from the numerics point of view, PDEs divide into static equations (elliptic) and time dependent equations (parabolic & hyperbolic).
The hyperbolic and parabolic equations represent initial value problems. The diffusion equation (parabolic)
(D is the diffusion coefficient) is such that we ask for what is the
value of the field (wave)
at a later time t knowing the field at an initial time t=0
and subject to some specific boundary conditions at all times.
The domain may be 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D. This equation might represent a heat diffusion problem in which the temperature within the domain is sought at all times, starting from a given temperature field at the initial time, and preserving the temperature at the boundary of the domain. In addition, a source term S(x,t) could be added to the right hand side of the equation. If u(x,t) represents a temperature field, then S(x,t) would represent a heat source.
The parallelization of the solution of a PDE of parabolic or hyperbolic PDEs is
obtained through domain decomposition. However, in this case, the Domain Decomposition applies
only to the space variables.
The time evolution is essentially sequential,
is obtained from
which can not be parallelized.
We will model heat diffusion through a 2-D plate. The parabolic PDE to solve is
∂ u(x,y,t) / ∂ t = ∂2 u(x,y,t) / ∂x2 + ∂2 u(x,yt) / ∂y2 + s(x,y,t)
Dirichlet boundary conditions are assumed, the temperature being fixed at the top and bottom of the plate, utop and ubot , and on the left and right sides, the latter being proportional to distance
uright = uleft = ubot + deltat y where deltat = ( utop - ubot ) / L and L=height of plate
A source of heat within the domain is assumed to exist. This source of heat may depend on time.
A finite difference scheme is applied to solve the diffusion equation. First, discretization of the domain is performed. We use hx = hy = h = 0.01 and dt = 0.0002 to perform this discretization. We use a rectangular domain with Nx ~ 2 Ny to acomodate the shape of the source. In what follows, i and j will specify x and y respectively, while the superscript k will specify the time slice.
This diffusion PDE is written in finite difference form as
k+1 ij - ukij ) / dt =
1/2 ( δ2x u k+1 ij + δ2y u k+1 ij + δ2x u k ij + δ2y u k ij ) + 1/2 ( S k+1ij + Skij )
u k+1 ij =
( u k+1 i+1
j - 2 u k+1 ij + u k+1 i-1 j
) / h2
and the same for the time slice specified by k. Let r = dt / ( 2 h 2 ). The terms at time k+1 are separated from those at time k to yield
1+4r ) u k+1 ij -
r ( u k+1
i+1 j + u k+1
i-1 j + u k+1 i j+1 + u k+1 i
j-1) = d k ij
d k
ij = r ( u k i+1
j + u k i-1 j
+ u k i j+1 + u k i j-1) +
These equations form a linear system of equations for u k+1. These are solved iteratively for each time slice. The lattice is swept repetitively, solving for u k+1 ij until convergence is obtained.
u k+1
ij = ( r
( u k+1 i+1 j
+ u k+1 i-1 j +
u k+1 i j+1 + u k+1 i j-1) +
Download the tar file Diffusion_2d.tar
containing a directory structure on any serial computer
where you can use VisIt.
Expand it via:
tar -xvf Diffusion_2d.tar
The directory Difusion_2d contains two directories: diffusion and source.
The code 2d_diffusion.c in the directory diffusion implements the above scheme to solve a 2D diffusion problem. The steps in the code are:
The code is compiled and executed via
gcc 2d_diffusion.c -lm -o 2d_diffusion
./2d_diffusion N_x N_y
where N_x and N_y are the (arbitrary) number of grid points - image size; a ratio 2 to 1 is recommended for the grid sizes in x and y directions. Good numbers to use are ( 700 - 400 ). The code defaults to scan over 3500 time steps.
The code 2d_diffusion.c requires visit_writer.c and visit_writer.h with which it links. This package is used to store the field at each specified time slice in VTK file format in a sub-directory movie. VisIt can form a movie out of these files labeled by a frame number.
Notes about the code 2d_diffusion.c:
Better code:
The code Diffusion_2d_pipe_python.tar makes the movie via our python utilities. This makes the movie in real time!
The source:
The code 2d_diffusion.c needs the code 2d_source.c found in the sub-directory source. This code generates the source term to include in the equations. The sub-directory source also contains 2d_source_main.c to see the source. It is compiled and executed via
gcc 2d_source_main.c -lm -o 2d_source
The shape of the source is chosen to represent the word "DREXEL". This word is discretized in the function drexel_name() to occupy a good fraction of the domain. The shape of each letter is 1 pixel large. This shape is then enlarged via a smoothing procedure (function smooth_text() ). This is done via a simple sum of the neighboring points adjacent to each pixel in the interior domain. This produces the following source geometry ( in a 200 x 100 grid case )
Smoothing passes are repeated to obtain the desired widths for the source ( 4 times in the code ). The function see_image() displays the source geometry ( image above ).
A time dependence is introduced in the code. A graphical representation (through Maple) follows: