Wilkipedia on {\em Calculus of Variations}
Fermat's Principle
We are accustomed in Physics classes to seeing the laws of Physics
stated in terms of forces, fields, and differential equations. As we
have seen, such a formulation of a problem can provide a powerful
means of obtaining the solution.
However, all of the familiar equations of elementary physics-Newton's
laws, Hamilton's equations, Maxwell's equations, and Schrödinger's,
to name a few--can equivalently be expressed in variational
form--that is, as a statement that the state of the system (or the
trajectory of a particle) is the one that minimizes some global
property, usually expressed as an integral. For example,
- Hamilton's principle states that the motion
of a particle
from time
to time
is the one that minimizes the action
, where
is the
Lagrangian of the system. It is easily shown that this principle is
equivalent to the Lagrangian formulation of classical mechanics.
- The quantum-mechanical wave function
of a system with
is the one that minimizes the quantity
subject to
the constraint that
is constant. This is
equivalent to Schrödinger's equation.
There are many more examples. Often, a variational formulation is the
most convenient or direct way of expressing the problem. The calculus of variations was developed precisely to handle such
problems. Here we will adopt a Monte-Carlo approach to their
solution. We will focus on two examples: Fermat's principle
(described below) and energy minimization (next). In each case, we
are seeking the configuration of a system that minimizes some
integral property of the system.