Physics 325: Computational Physics III

Winter 2016/2017

Instructor : Michel Vallieres

  Lectures:     Disque 704, Monday - Thursday, Th 12:00 - 13;20 pm 
  Office:       Disque 804 
  Office Hours: by appointment
  Phone:        (215) 895-2714 
  Fax:          (215) 895-2940

  e-mail:       MV (at)
  course:       PHYS325 (at)
  sysadmin:	sysadmin (at)

Course Overview

This is the third course in the Computational Physics sequence. It presents basic scientific programming techniques and problem-solving strategies, as applied to problems in electromagnetic theory and quantum mechanics. This hands-on focuses primarily on the solution of partial differential equations in physics, Monte-Carlo methods, and matrix methods, and includes solutions of Laplace's, Poisson's and Maxwell's equations, fields due to moving charges, Fast Fourier Transforms, and solutions of the time-independent and time-dependent Schroedinger equation.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, students should be able to:



There is no set textbook for this course. Material will be distributed via this course Web page.


Grading will be based on Asignments. One assignment will be distributed to the students each week, to be handed back to the instructor for grading one week later. The importance of each assignment will vary according to difficulty and will be clearly indicated.







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