Systems that depart severely from integrability can only
be studied numerically. An example of such a system is
the 2-dimensional motion of a mass under the potential
The Henon-Heiles potential is zero at the origin, exhibits
a triangular symmetry and shows ridges and valleys
at large distances. All trajectories with total energies
The equations of motion (Newton equation) lead to the ODEs
The trajectories lie on a 3-dimensional manifold in the 4-dimensional
phase space. They are best studied via the SOS. To
build this SOS you need to record the
of each intersection of the trajectory with the
Further selecting the
momentum sign, say
when the trajectory goes into
plane, would normally be done. But,in this
case,intersections with either signs are kept since
the second choice corresponds to another existing trajectory.
This stems from the invariance under
The behavior of the system is determined by the only conserved
quantity, the total energy .
Together with the SOS requirements, this points
to the following sets of initial conditions:
, arbitrary
, and calculate
from the energy (selecting the positive value).
Plotting the trajectories in the laboratory frame, versus
can produce beautiful pictures.
Comparing plots of or
versus time in the regular and
chaotic regimes is instructive.
Solve the Henon-Heiles ODEs via Runge-Kutta 4th order
Implement the
conservation of to provide a check on the accuracy of
the solution.
Implement the initial conditions as described above via command line arguments.
Write a separate SOS filter code that projects the trajectory
coordinates time series onto the plane. This code
should read in the piped data from the ODEs solver code
and output the time,
at the intersections.
Use linear interpolation to refine the coordinates
at crossings.
Explore the trajectories and SOS at various energies.