The UNIX Operating System
The following is a (very) brief summary of the UNIX (or Linux)
Operating System. It describes a very small subset of the commands
available under the shells sh (or its linux version, bash) and csh (or
tcsh, an extended version of csh, with advanced command-line editing
features). These shells offer a convenient syntax for executing
interactive commands. The command structure in bash is in many ways
more powerful, and is particularly useful in writing scripts where
efficiency is important.
The File System
In UNIX (and Linux), physical disks are divided into logical
``partitions'' (blocks of space of specific size) with the
format command. A file system is then imposed on these
partitions, allowing a directory structure to exist. Directories
(``folders'' in Windows or Macintosh terminology) can contain files of
arbitrary types.
Some commands allowing a user to manipulate files are:
- pwd
- displays the name of the current directory (``.'')
- ls
- lists the files in the current directory
- ls dir
- lists the files in the directory ``dir''
- ls
- displays the contents of the current directory; ``ls -lF'' is a useful
extension providing additional information about the files
- cp file1 file2
- copies file1 to file2
- cd /dir1/dir2
- go to specified directory; cd .. means go to the directory
above the current directory; cd ../foo means go up one level,
then down into directory foo. The current directory is always
denoted by ``.''
- mv file1 file2
- rename file1 as file2, within the same directory (changing
the name of the file), or move file1 into some other directory
- cat file
- display file onto standard output (the screen, usually)
- more file
- display file onto standard output (screen), one screenful at a
time. For obscure UNIX reasons, the command "less" does much the
same thing...
- >
- >>
- redirect output to a file;
e.g. cat file1 > file2 copies file file1 into file2,
and cat file1 >> file2 appends file1 onto file2.
- |
- ``pipe'' standard output to standard input
e.g. cmd1 | cmd2 sends the output of command
cmd1 into the input of cmd2
- touch file
- updates the ``date and time stamp'' of a file, making it
believe that it has just been modified
- rm file
- delete a file
File name completion is supported under csh and tcsh (turn it on by
issuing the command ``set filec.'' In csh, use the ESCAPE key; in
tcsh, use the TAB key.
UNIX also supports ``wildcards.'' A ``?'' will be replaced by any
matching single character, while a ``*'' will be replaced by any
number of matching characters. For example, ls abc*.c
will list all files whose name starts with ``abc'' and ends in ``.c''.
Multi-User, Multi-Tasking Environment
UNIX provides a multi-user and multi-tasking computing
environment. This implies that it will allow the computer to share its
resources among many users, and the various tasks that each user might
be performing. This implies that UNIX must provide a security
safegard against users peeking into each others' ``home directories.''
To gain access to a UNIX system, a user must first identify his/her
account in response to the login prompt,
Login: username
Password: password
then give a unique password. A user can change his/her password by
issuing the command passwd, followed by the old and new
The user can exit the system with the command logout .
Help on any UNIX command can be obtained via the man
command. The command ``man cmd'' prints to standard output the
content of the manual pages concerning the UNIX command ``cmd''. You
can also search by context with man -k cmd .
There are many commands which facilitate the users' interaction
with the computer in small ways; for instance:
- date
- gives you the date
- time
- gives you the time
- hostname
- reminds you of the system name
- finger
- gives a list of users and what they are doing
- ps
- display the tasks running on the computer; try ps -aux
- history
- lists your last issued commands
- !!
- recalls the last command
- !str
- recalls the last command starting with the string str
- !n
- recalls the nth command
On login, UNIX starts up a new shell interpreter (e.g. the C-shell
interpreter csh), and sets up the computing environment for the user
by scanning the ``hidden'' (i.e. not normally listed by ls) set-up
files, .login and .cshrc . The .cshrc file
is also scanned each time a new ``task'' (e.g. a new window) is
launched. These hidden files are how a user can customize his/her
computing environment at will, typically with commands like
alias name definition
in csh, or
alias name=definition
in bash, which defines ``name'' (usually something short) to mean
``definition'' (often long and/or complicated).
Each file is marked for ownership by a user and as belonging to a
group of users. Each file is also marked for ``reading'', ``writing''
and ``execute'' privileges by its owner, members of its group and by
``others'' The directory command ``ls -lF'' lists these privileges as
``r'', ``w'' and ``x'' if they are allowed. For instance, the
following dialog
> ls -lF
total 6
-rw-rw-r-- 1 steve 4322 Jan 10 12:30 file1
drwxrwxr-x 2 steve 512 Jan 10 12:29 file2/
shows that file1 has can be read and written by the owner and all
group members, and read by all, while file2 is unprotected, except
that it cannot be written by ``others''. Furthermore, file2 is a
directory (name of a sub-directory within the current one -- indicated
by a ``d'' in the first column).
The privileges of a file can be modified by the chmod
command. The ownership of a file can be modified by the command
chown ; this is a restricted command -- it can be executed only
by the system ``super-user.''
Executing Commands: Running Programs
A file can be of the special ``executable'' type (e.g. resulting from
a compilation of C code followed by linking to the appropriate
libraries), meaning that it contains ``instructions'' for the computer
to execute. For instance, each UNIX command is itself an
``executable'' residing on the disk in a directory accesible by
all. These files are executed by specifying their name, followed by
any necessary argument. For instance,
ls -lFg file
will execute the ``ls'' command, with arguments ``-lFfg'' (a switch)
and ``file'', resulting is a very complete directory listing for the
file ``file''. The same goes for any executable file that you might
Automating Tasks: Scripts
Any set of UNIX commands can be put into a ``script'' file to be
executed all at once as a single command. The language is very
complete, including control structures and looping. As an example,
consider the following script:
# example of a C-shell script
# ---------------------------
# store the wordlist resulting from
# the ls command in variable files
set files = `ls`
# foreach is a loop; files takes on the
# value of each entry in files
# $variable_name is the content of
# that variable
foreach file ( $files )
echo 'File name:' $file
The script explicitly calls for the C-shell interpreter; the ``set''
command transfers the result of the ls command into the variable
``files'' as a wordlist. Then the ``foreach ... end'' loops over the
wordlist, assigning each member to the variable ``file''. The command
``echo'' writes a message to standard output. The syntax ``$variable''
means the ``content'' of the variable; $var[i] means the content of
the ith position in the variable.
At the script level, the differences between bash and csh become more
evident. A bash version of the above script might look like:
# example of a bash script
# ------------------------
# store the wordlist resulting from
# the ls command in variable files
# for is a loop; files takes on the
# value of each entry in files
# $variable_name is the content of
# that variable
for file in $files; do
echo 'File name:' $file