Searching for Periodic Orbits

It ha been found that the long scattering orbits (large scattering times) are those that come in the neighborhood of periodic orbits. These scattering trajectories spend time close to unstable periodic orbits before going away since these periodic orbits are unstable.

Finding periodic orbits in open systems (chaotic scattering) or closed systems is notoriously difficult. This is particularly the case for unstable periodic orbits. Tracking these orbits is difficult since any slight deviation from the true orbit will take the trajectory away from the true one by definition of an unstable orbit.

The search for periodic orbits in a chaotic region can proceed via various ways.

The C code search_for_orbits.c implements the lattice refinement search algorithm for the Three Hills Potential used as scatterer above.

The salient features of the code are

The output of the code are suggestions for sets of initial conditions that should result in periodic orbits.

Michel Vallieres 2011-02-02