Chapter 6 - Fitting Data Sets

6.2.2 Reading the Data

Once you made Maple point to the directory containing the data, you need to make Maple read the data.

The Maple command

data_array_name := readdata ( file_name, data_type, no_collumn );

reads a set of data from a file file_name which contains no_collumn columns of data (# of data points per line), of data type data_type (e.g., float) into an array data_array_name. For instance, if "x-y" data of type float is read in an array L from a file data_xy.dat, the syntax of the call will be

L := readdata( "data_xy.dat", float, 2 );

The numbers in the file should be in pairs of x - y values that will be read and assigned to L according to the order

L[1][1] L[1][2]

L[2][1] L[2][2]




L[N][1] L[N][2]

The data in L is accesble via the array notation L[i][j], where i is the line and j is the column. For example, L[5][2] refers to the second number on line 5.


Section 6.2.1 Chapter 6 TOC Section 6.2.3      

Any questions or suggestions should be directed to
Michel Vallières at