Chapter 2 - Maple Basics

2.4 Help

Help is always available in Maple. First, there is the "help" menu from the menu bar. This option provides help under the sub categories "table of contents", "topic index", "search", ... It is useful to browse some of the topics described in these help options when studying a new topic.

The help panels for individual keyword are also available from the worksheet via the "?" followed by the keyword at the prompt. For instance, help on the "help" keyword ( "?help" at the prompt) opens the following window:

Help on any particular command is available via "?command". For instance, try "?evalf", "?expand", "?factor", and "?simplify" to learn more about about the commands we used so far.

Note that most help panels have examples which can be copied and pasted in the active worksheet.

Section 2.3 Chapter 2 Section 2.5       TOC

Any questions or suggestions should be directed to
Michel Vallières at