POVRAY produced images and simulation regarding paper by R. Gilmore, Two-parameter families of strange attractors, Chaos 17, 013104 (2007). van der Pol
Simulation and images by Timothy Jones
k = -2
k = -1
k = 0
k = 1
k = 2
Output_File_Type=N Width=600 Height=400 Quality=11 Antialias=on Antialias_Threshold=0.001 Initial_Frame=1 Final_Frame=500 Initial_Clock=0 Final_Clock=1
// camera----------------------------------------------------------- #declare Cam1 =camera {location < 4.5*(1-clock) , 0 ,2+clock*10 > look_at < 0 , 0.0 , 2 > } camera{Cam1} light_source{< 1000, 100, -200 > color White*0.5} background { color rgb <1,1,1> } #macro SP(x0,y0,z0,r0) sphere { < y0,x0,z0 > , r0 pigment { rgb < 0.5-0.5*y0/0.4,0.6,0 >} finish { reflection .5 phong .7 }} #end
#!/usr/bin/perl #for($num=0; $num<=1000; $num+=100){ #system("./torus $num"); #$number=$num+1000; $file="new".".pov"; system("cat temp.pov > $file"); #system("cat $num >> $file"); system("cat donut.dat >> $file"); system("povray all.ini $file ");#Display=False");}
#include#include #include #include #include //Adaptation of a Bob Gilmore program //written in f int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ nn=350000; double pi,r1,r2; double phi,alpha,beta,theta; double u,v,z,r,x,xx,y,yy,angle,oldang,origx,origy,origz; double uu,zz,aa,bb; double delu,delv,rat; ///////////////////////////////////PART ONE////////////// pi = 3.1415926535; alpha = 1.0/12.52;// !!! 1.0/25.1 aa = 0.45; //!!! 0.85 bb = sqrt(1.0-aa*aa); r1 = 1.0; double X,Y,t; double DX,DY; double PI=3.14159265; double A,b,c,d,w,T,dt; int k=-2; A = 0.25; b = 0.7; c=1.0; d=10.0; T=4.0; w=2*PI/T; int FLAG=0; X=0; Y=-1; dt=0.001; t=0; FILE * fp; fp = fopen ("donut.dat","w"); for(i=1; i<=nn;i++){ // !!! nn/1000= numbor of wraps in long. dir. DX=b*Y + (c-d*Y*Y)*X; DY=-X+A*sin(w*t); X += DX * dt; Y += DY * dt; t += dt; if(t>T){t=0;} xx= ((cos(k*w*t)*X-sin(k*w*t)*Y));// yy= ((sin(k*w*t)*X+cos(k*w*t)*Y));//v; origx= cos(w*t)*(3 + (cos(k*w*t)*X-sin(k*w*t)*Y));// origy= sin(w*t)*(3+(cos(k*w*t)*X-sin(k*w*t)*Y));//v; origz= sin(k*w*t)*X+cos(k*w*t)*Y;// z; fprintf(fp, "SP((1-clock)*%f + clock*%f,(1-clock)*%f + clock*%f , (1-clock)*%f + clock*(%f), 0.02) \n",xx,origx,yy,origy,t,origz);} fclose(fp); }
mencoder "mf://*.png" -mf fps=25 -o test.flv -of lavf -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=flv:vbitrate=14400:vhq -lavfopts i_certify_that_my_video_stream_does_not_use_b _frames flvtool2 -U [flvfile] mencoder "mf://*.png" -mf fps=25 -o test.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4:vbitrate=14400:vhq