Fly through animation using POVRAY, a new tool that we have started using in our group .
-Animation by Timothy Jones
#include "" #include "" #declare Cam1 =camera {location <2-(clock)/10 , (clock-10.0)/2-5 ,clock-20> look_at <0.2 , 1.0 , 0.0>} camera{Cam1} light_source{<1500,2000,-2500> color White*0.7} light_source{<-100, 100,-200> color Yellow*0.7} light_source{<0,1,10> color rgb <1,1,1>} background {color rgb <0,0,0>} #macro ross(h, a, b, c, x0, y0, z0, N, rad) #local i = 0; union { #while (i < 3000) #local x0 = x0 + h * (-y0 -z0); #local y0 = y0 + h * (x0 + a * y0); #local z0 = z0 + h * (b + z0 * (x0 - c)); #local i = i + 1; #end #local i = 0; #while (i < N) #local x0 = x0 + h * (-y0 -z0); #local y0 = y0 + h * (x0 + a * y0); #local z0 = z0 + h * (b + z0 * (x0 - c)); #if (i > 100) sphere {< x0,y0,z0 >,rad pigment { rgb < i/N,i/N,1> } #end #local i = i + 1; #end } #end ross(0.05, 0.2, 0.2, 5.7, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 48000, .05)
Output_File_Type=N Width=500 Height=500 Quality=9 Antialias=on Antialias_Threshold=0.001 Initial_Frame=1 Final_Frame=700 Initial_Clock=0 Final_Clock=40
#>povray ross.ini ross.pov Display=FalseMay need -Display instead of Display