Minor Planet 2 Pallas Imaged from Penn Valley Dick Steinberg 8/02/24 GIF Image - http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~steinberg/astro4/2%20Pallas.gif Fits header (with detailed exposure info) - http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~steinberg/astro4/fits header.txt Image from Lowell Observatory Asteroid tracker (the green circle is predicted Pallas location (perfect agreement); the bright star is QY Serpentis, mag 5.4) http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~steinberg/astro4/Screen%20Shot%2008-02-24.jpg OBSERVING CONDITIONS: Hazy, smoky, light polluted. Only mag 2 stars visible to naked eye. TELESCOPE: Celestron C8 SCT (native FL=2032mm), reduced to f/6.67 or 1355 mm. MOUNT: Orion SkyView Pro on rear deck in Penn Valley (unguided 30-sec subs). IMAGING DEVICE: Orion Parsec cooled CCD camera with Kodak 8300M chip; 3326x2504 pixels each 5.4 x 5.4 microns; 8.3 million total pixels; 22.5 mm diagonal; FOV 45x34 arc-min; image scale 0.82 arc-sec/pixel. IMAGE ACQUISITION & PROCESSING: MaxIm DL v5 and 6