Observation of a TNO/dwarf planet candidate

New image showing (55636) 2002 TX300, a dwarf planet candidate and member of the Haumea family.

22 minute exposure started on 2009-10-01T04:25:52

Predicted magnitude was 19.6.

Distance from Earth 40.622 AU

Distance from Sun 41.529 AU

Annotated image:


Blink with digital sky survey image:


This is the fifth TNO we have imaged to date. Pluto, Haumea, Makemake and Orcus are the others.

Images are available at http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~steinberg/astro2/solar_system/tno/


Dick Steinberg


12" LX200 ACF - AP1200- ST8 - backyard permanent pier near Philadelphia