A Pair of Spring Favorites
Dick Steinberg
February 26, 2012
We're into the spring galaxy season!
Hyperion images captured last night at Blue Mountain Vista Observatory in LRGB color.
NGC4565, the flying saucer galaxy in Canes Venatici:
http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~steinberg/astro2/ngc galaxies/ngc4565/ngc4565-LRGB-60-20-20-20.jpg
and M104, the Sombrero galaxy in Virgo:
http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~steinberg/astro2/messier gallery/m101-m110/m104-LRGB-60-20-20-20.jpg
Also upgraded Messier gallery images of M49, M68, M88, M89, M90, M91 .
Object identification maps: M49 , M88 , M89 , M90, M91
Starizona Hyperion 317mm f/8 corrected Cassegrain - Paramount ME - Apogee U16M -
4096x4096 nine-micron pixels binned 2x2 - 0.73 arc-sec/unbinned pixel -
field-of-view 50 arc-min square - image acquisition and processing with MaxIm DL
5.14 - calibration (dusk-flat/dark/bias) - system automation: CCD Commander
1.6.67 - piggy-back guider Takahashi FSQ106 + Orion StarShoot Pro V1 camera -
5-minute subexposures - Blue Mountain Vista Observatory.
Object id maps based on Chris Marriott's SkyMap Pro , V11
Astrophoto webpage:
http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~steinberg/Astro Welcome.html