
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. Measurement of the Spectral Shape of the β-decay of ^137Xe to the Ground State of ^137Cs in EXO-200 and Comparison with Theory
    Kharusi, S. Al, Gautam, P., Yen, Y.-R., Zeldovich, O. Ya, Ziegler, T., and nEXO-Collaboration,
    arXiv:2002.00108 [nucl-ex, physics:nucl-th] 2020


  1. Characterization of the Hamamatsu VUV4 MPPCs for nEXO
    Collaboration, , Dolinski, M. J., and Gautam, al
    arXiv:1903.03663 [astro-ph, physics:physics] 2019
  2. Search for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay with the Complete EXO-200 Dataset
    Anton, G., Dolinski, M. J., Gautam, P., Ziegler, T., and al,
    arXiv:1906.02723 [hep-ex, physics:nucl-ex] 2019
  3. Measurement of the scintillation and ionization response of liquid xenon at MeV energies in the EXO-200 experiment
    Collaboration, EXO-200, Anton, G., Badhrees, I., Barbeau, D., Gautam, P., Gornea, R., Gratta, G., Hall, C., Hansen, L., Yen, Y.-R., Zeldovich, O. Ya, and Ziegle, T.
    arXiv:1908.04128 [hep-ex, physics:physics] 2019
  4. Calibration of nEXO Light Response
    Gautam, Prakash, and nEXO Collaboration,
  5. Measurements of Electron Transport in Liquid and Gas Xenon Using a Laser-Driven Photocathode
    Njoya, O., Tsang, T., Tarka, M., Fairbank, W., Gautam, P., and al,
    arXiv:1911.11580 [nucl-ex, physics:physics] 2019
  6. Measurements of Electron Transport in Liquid and Gas Xenon Using a Laser-Driven Photocathode
    Njoya, O., Tsang, T., Dolinski, P., and et., al
    arXiv:1911.11580 [nucl-ex, physics:physics] 2019
  7. Simulation of charge readout with segmented tiles in nEXO
    Li, Z., Cen, W. R., Robinson, M. J., Gautam, P., Zhao, J., Zhou, Y., and Ziegler, T.
    Journal of Instrumentation 2019