Start Talking Science maintains a graphic and typographic identity across all advertisements, outreach, and social media. Below, several different styles of graphics are provided free for anyone to use for promotion of STS.
Click on any of the images below for a larger version.
Start Talking Science uses a specific set of fonts and colors in order to maintain a consistent graphic identity. This set includes a principal font, an accent font, and a copy font, as well as a principal color, an accent color, and a grey. These fonts and colors are as follows:
Principal Font: Eras Light ITC
Accent Font: Monotype Corsiva
Copy Font: Tahoma
Principal Color (brick red):
hex #CC0000 or rgba (204, 0, 0, 1.0)
Accent Color (baby blue):
hex #47B8FF or rgba (71, 184, 255, 0.3)
hex #EEEEEE or rgba (238, 238, 238, 1.0)