
I study how the large-scale environment affects galaxy evolution. I compare dwarf galaxies in voids with dwarf galaxies in more dense environments, in an effort to understand how a galaxy's environment affects its star formation history and chemical evolution. My work on the oxygen and nitrogen abundances in blue, star-forming dwarf galaxies in SDSS indicates that the void galaxies are retarded in their star formation and that they have larger dark-matter-halo-mass to stellar-mass ratios than dwarf galaxies in more dense environments.

  • Publications

    Large-scale environmental dependence of chemical abundances in dwarf galaxies and implications for connecting star formation and halo mass. K.A. Douglass, M.S. Vogeley, and R. Cen. (2017) Submitted to ApJ. arXiv:1706.07099

    Large-scale environmental dependence of the abundance ratio of nitrogen to oxygen in blue, star-forming galaxies fainter than L*. K.A. Douglass and M.S. Vogeley. (2017b) ApJ, 837 (1): 42-55. arXiv:1612.04908

    Determining the large-scale environmental dependence of gas-phase metallicity in dwarf galaxies. K.A. Douglass and M.S. Vogeley. (2017a) ApJ, 834 (2): 186-198. arXiv:1604.08599

  • Education

    Complete C.V.
    PhD., Physics - Drexel University (2017)
    M.S., Physics - Drexel University (2013)
    B.A., Physics - Cornell University (2011)