In this lecture we cover Kepler's Laws and Newton's Laws. There are no slides for these. Please read the relevant chapters in the book.

We observer retrograde motion (the planet appears to move backwards) in the movement of the planets.

Hipparcos was the first to consider the motions of the planets and proposed the geocentric model. Ptolomy came up with the most famous/detailed version of this model. He said the planets move on circles around the earth. This is the main deferent. On top of this motion is a small correction called an epicycle. This can give rise to retrograde motion.

Moves quickly at the top of the epicycle

and slowly at the bottom

Retrograde motion is easier to explain in a heliocentric (sun centered) universe. This was first suggested by Aristarchus. Also know that the sun is larger than the earth so more natural to be at the center of things. Idea forgotten until...

Copernicus (1473-1543) came along. He named Mercury and Venus as interior planets and Mars etc as superior planets. However, Copernicus insisted on circular orbits.

Definition of opposition and conjunction, he saw that venus and mercury were always found close to the sun, something more natural in a heliocentric model.

The next figure is Tycho Brahe (1546-1601). Tycho realized that is the earth was moving we would see a parallax effect (see below). Didn't see one so he said earth wasn't moving - a blow to Copernicus model. However, Brahe made very accurate measurements of the motions of the planets.

Parallax - a nearby object will appear to move against the background stars as the earth rotates. All the stars in the sky are so far away that a parallax is hard to observe. Will discuse this more later.

Kepler (1571-1630) used Brahe's data to form equations for the motions of the planets

K1: The orbit of a planet about the Sun is an ellipse with the sun at one focus

K2: A line joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of time (conservation of angular momentum)

K3: The square of the sidereal period of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of the semimajor axis of the orbit P^2 proportional to a^3 (watch the units!)

An example of K2. Definition of perihelion and aphelion.

Kepler's third law in action. P^2 propto a^3. See the HW and class examples for more of these.

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) provided evidence for the sun centered universe. He was the first person to use a telescope. He saw mountains on the moon, rings of Saturn

He noted that Venus had phases (like the moon) and appeared sometimes larger and sometimes smaller

This is a natural consequence of a heliocentric orbit

but very hard to explain in a geocentric orbit

Galileo also saw that Jupiter had moons that were orbiting around it. Another body with things moving round it removed the importance of earth in the solar system. He was placed under house arrest for his troubles as it went against the ideas of the Catholic church.

How the moons appear to move

Other pieces of evidence.

The next person to come along was Newton (1642-1727). He was a great mathematician and the first person to use maths to derive the motions of the planets and laws of gravity.

The laws we will use here are

F = ma = mg (the acceleration due to gravity on Earth = g = 10 m/s^2)

F = GMm/r^2 - Newton's law of Gravitation

Newton found that elliptical orbits were a very natural consequence of his laws. If a planet was moving at a special speed it would make exactly circular orbits but the planet can still rotate round the sun in elliptical bound stable orbits. The speed determines the shape.

Other orbits would be possible but hyperbolas and parabolas are not bound orbits. These are all examples of conic sections.