Strange Collection of Photos starting Dec 2001 - June 2002

We'll start with Penn semi-formal Ball. Here is Me, Paul, Helen (from Leeds!) and Dominic

And we'll replace me with Dario here. What on earth is Paul laughing at!

New Year's Eve 2001-2002, ball room dancing with a collection of Penn Ballroom Dancers. Good fun

See I do do some work! Well - maybe I just send emails!

His new toy does fancy tricks - sepia

And black and white when I'm not expecting a photo. I think I was talking to Titi here.

Night out with Francisco, Randall and Janelle in Ludwig's Garten.

And a zoom in photo. I don't like being too close to the camera.

Trip to Atlantic City with Jim when he was visiting. Vince also came. I made a sand castle.

Next comes the Gothic Noche starting with dinner on the roof

Then came the dressing up bit....Randall the main man

Francisco trying to imitate Randall

I think I am supposed to be the pale victim!

Finally all three of us..... We had to walk round Rittenhouse square like this!!!

After all the sillyness, Francisco and I went to New Hope for the day. He is trying to be very British here with his `tea'.

Then Peder came to visit end of May and I did a dinner party in his honor. Here we have Randall, Peder, Titi, Dario and Francisco stood up.

Here we have Peder, Me, Titi, Dario and Francisco stood up.

And to finish off the film, Peder, Dario, Me and Francisco

Finally a strange photo of Titi and I from an earlier occasion. She isn't really that tall!