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The speed of light and the value of the acceleration due to gravity should be known from memory.

c = 3.0 $\times 10^5$ km s-1 = 3.0 $\times 10^8$ m s-1

g = 10 m s-2 (or 9.8m s-2 if you prefer but the math is easier with 10!)

Other constants used in this class (but not needed to be known from memory) are:

G = Universal Constant of Gravitation = 6.67 $\times 10^{-11}$ N m2 kg-2

$\rm M_{\odot}$ = Solar Mass = 2.0 $\times 10^{30}$kg

AU = 1.496 $\times 10^8$km = 1.498 $\times 10^{11}$m

Fiona Hoyle