PHYS 181-701, Spring 2002

Optional Essay Suggestions

Due: 5/23/02

The essay can replace up to two HW's as a sort of extra credit type thing

Warning - this is not an easy get out of the HWs option. I would still advise you to try the HWs as there are a lot of important concepts you'll need for the final but if writing is something you are stronger at than math this is a way to increase your overall performance.

I will be grading it for both content and for style. I want to see a well layed out, well thought through piece of work that reads well. I will also be grading the science. I want to see that you understand what you are writing about. 2/3 of the marks will come from the content, 1/3 from the overall style

You should include a reference list. I do not want you just to copy out Chapter N of the book. I want to see that you have researched the topic outside of the book so you should include at the end of the essay a list of books you've used and links to any web pages that you have used. The web is an excellent source of knowledge but use it with care.

Length of the essay? This is difficult to say. The telescope essay may include more technical diagrams rather than words. The essay should take you about double the length of a HW so I do not expect pages and pages but I do expect that you get into the details of the science which will required more than 100 words! I am happy to look through the essay as you are going along if in doubt.


These are some suggestions for the optional essay. If you have a different idea then discuss it with me but I am open to suggestions. You do not have to cover every aspect that I list under each suggestion.

Pick a planet. Describe how it was discovered, what missions have visited it, what it's composition is, what life there would be like and any special features.

Pick an astronomer. Describe their life, background, the contribution they made to astronomy and their relevance today.

Describe the way in which we search for extra solar planets. How do we find them, what types of planets have been formed, could they harbor life, future advances in the field

Pick a telescope. Discuss the science that has been discovered using it. Discuss the specifications of the telescope and it's location etc.