Drexel U
Luis Cruz Cruz: Publications
Neuronal Systems
K. Butler, L. Cruz, Neuronal Traveling Waves form Preferred Pathways using Synaptic Plasticity, Journal of Computational Neuroscience, (2024). DOI
Z. Wang, L. Cruz, Trainable Reference Spikes Improve Temporal Information Processing of SNNs With Supervised Learning, Neural Computation, 36, 2136–2169 (2024). DOI
Z. Wang, L. Cruz, Spiking Neural Network with Plasticity in the Time Domain Recovers Temporal Information from a Noisy Pattern using Reference Spikes, Neurocomputing, 565, 126988 (2024). DOI
V. Baker, L. Cruz, Traveling Waves in Quasi One-Dimensional Neuronal Minicolumns, Neural Computation, 34 (1), 78–103 (2021). DOI
J. S. Tumulty, M. Royster, and L. Cruz, Columnar Grouping Preserves Synchronization in Neuronal Networks with Distance-Dependent Time Delays, Physical Review E, 101, 022408 (2020). DOI
M. Henderson, B. Urbanc, L. Cruz, A Computational Model for the Loss of Neuronal Organization in Microcolumns, Biophysical Journal, 106, 2233-2242 (2014). DOI
L. Cruz, D. L. Roe, B. Urbanc, A. Inglis, H. E. Stanley, and D. L. Rosene, Age-related reduction in microcolumnar structure correlates with cognitive decline in the ventral but not dorsal region part of area 46 of the rhesus monkey, Neuroscience, 158, 1509-1520 (2009). DOI
S. H. Freeman, R. Kandel, L. Cruz, A. Rozkalne, K. Newell, M. P. Frosch, E. T. Hedley-Whyte, J. J. Locascio, L. Lipsitz, B. T. Hyman, Preservation of Neuronal Number Despite Age-Related Cortical Brain Atrophy in Elderly Subjects Without Alzheimer Disease, Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology, 67, 1205-1212 (2008). DOI
A. Inglis, L. Cruz, D. L. Roe, H. E. Stanley, D. L. Rosene, and B. Urbanc, Automated identification of neurons and their locations, J. Microscopy, 230 (3), 339-352 (2008). DOI
L. Cruz, B. Urbanc, A. Inglis, D. L. Rosene, and H. E. Stanley, Generating a model of the Three-dimensional Spatial Distribution of Neurons using Density Maps, Neuroimage, 40 (3), 1105-1115 (2008). DOI
L. Cruz, S. V. Buldyrev, S. Peng, D. L. Roe, B. Urbanc, H. E. Stanley, and D. L. Rosene, A Statistically Based Density Map Method for Identification and Quantification of Regional Differences in Microcolumnarity in the Monkey Brain, J. Neuroscience Methods, 141/2, 321-332 (2005). DOI
L. Cruz, D. L. Roe, B. Urbanc, H. Cabral, H. E. Stanley, and D. L. Rosene, Age-related reduction in microcolumnar structure in area 46 of the rhesus monkey correlates with behavioral decline, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 101, 15846-15851 (2004). DOI
S. Peng, B. Urbanc, L. Cruz, B. T. Hyman, and H. E. Stanley, Neuron Recognition by Parallel Potts Segmentation, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 100, 3847-3852 (2003). DOI
S. V. Buldyrev, L. Cruz, T. Gomez-Isla, E. Gomez-Tortosa, S. Havlin, R. Le, H. E. Stanley, B. Urbanc and B. T. Hyman, Description of Microcolumnar Ensembles in Association Cortex and their Disruption in Alzheimer and Lewy Body Dementias, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 97, 5039-5043 (2000). DOI
Peptide Dynamics
C. Dias, S. Jalali, Y. Yang, and L. Cruz, Role of Cholesterol on Binding of Amyloid Fibrils to Lipid Bilayers, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 124 (15), 3036-3042 (2020). DOI
M. D. Smith, J. Srinivasa Rao, E. Segelken, and L. Cruz, Force-Field Induced Bias in the Structure of Aβ21-30: A Comparison of OPLS, AMBER, CHARMM, and GROMOS Force-Fields, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 55 (12), 2587-2595 (2015). DOI
M. Smith, J. Rao, L. Cruz, Spontaneous Dimer States of the Aβ21-30 Decapeptide, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16 (26), 13069-13073 (2014). DOI
J. Srinivasa Rao, M. Smith, L. Cruz, The Stability of a β-hairpin in Aβ(21-30) is altered by Surface-Water Interactions under Confinement, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 118 (13), 3517-3523 (2014). DOI
M. Smith, L. Cruz, Changes to the Structure and Dynamics in Mutations of Aβ21-30 caused by Ions in Solution, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 117, 14907-14915 (2013). DOI
M. Smith, L. Cruz, Effect of Ionic Aqueous Environments on the Structure and Dynamics of the Aβ21-30 Fragment: A Molecular-Dynamics Study, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 117, 6614-6624 (2013). DOI
J. Srinivasa Rao, L. Cruz, Effects of Confinement on the Structure and Dynamics of an Intrinsically Disordered Peptide: A Molecular-Dynamics Study, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 117, 3707-3719 (2013). DOI
L. Cruz, J. Srinivasa Rao, D. B. Teplow, B. Urbanc, Dynamics of Metastable β-Hairpin Structures in the Folding Nucleus of Amyloid β-Protein, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 116, 6311-6325 (2012). DOI
J. Srinivasa Rao, B. Urbanc, L. Cruz, Computational Studies of Folding and Assembly of Amyloidogenic Proteins, in Folding, Misfolding and Nonfolding of Peptides and Small Proteins, Reinhard Schweitzer-Stenner, editor, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, pp. 479-527, April (2012). DOI
B. Urbanc, M. Betnel, L. Cruz, H. Li, E. A. Fradinger, B. H. Monien, and G. Bitan, Structural basis for Aβ1-42 toxicity inhibition by Aβ C-terminal fragments: Discrete molecular dynamics study, J. Mol. Biol. 410, 316-328 (2011). DOI
B. Urbanc, M. Betnel, L. Cruz, G. Bitan, and D. B. Teplow Elucidation of amyloid β-protein oligomerization mechanisms: Discrete molecular dynamics study, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 4266-4280 (2010). DOI
E. A. Fradinger, B. H. Monien, B. Urbanc, A. Lomakin, M. Tan, H. Li, S. M. Spring, M. M. Condron, L. Cruz, C.-W. Xie, G. B. Benedek, and G. Bitan, C-terminal peptides coassemble into Aβ42 oligomers and protect neurons against Aβ42-induced neurotoxicity, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 105, 14175-14180 (2008). DOI
S. Yun, B. Urbanc, L. Cruz, G. Bitan, D. B. Teplow, and H. E. Stanley, Role of electrostatic interactions in amyloid β-protein oligomer formation: A discrete molecular dynamics study, Biophys J., 92, 4064-4077 (2007). DOI
B. Urbanc, L. Cruz, D. B. Teplow, and H. E. Stanley, Computer simulations of Alzheimer's amyloid β-protein folding and assembly, invited review paper, Current Alzheimer Research, 3, 493-504 (2006). DOI
D. B. Teplow, N. D. Lazo, G. Bitan, S. Bernstein, T. Wyttenbach, M. T. Bowers, A. Baumketner, J.-E. Shea, B. Urbanc, L. Cruz, J. Borreguero, H. E. Stanley, Elucidating Amyloid β-Protein Folding and Assembly: A Multidisciplinary Approach, Accounts of Chemical Research, 39, 635-645 (2006). DOI
B. Urbanc, J. M. Borreguero, L. Cruz, and H. E. Stanley, Ab initio Discrete Molecular Dynamics Approach to Protein Folding and Aggregation, Methods in Enzymology, 412, 314-338 (2006). DOI
L. Cruz, B. Urbanc, J. M. Borreguero, N. D. Lazo, D. B. Teplow, and H. E. Stanley, Solvent and Mutation Effects on the Nucleation of Amyloid β-protein Folding, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 102, 18258-18263 (2005). DOI
B. Urbanc, L. Cruz, S. Yun, S. V. Buldyrev, G. Bitan, D. B. Teplow, and H. E. Stanley, In silico study of amyloid β-protein folding and oligomerization, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 101, 17345-17350 (2004). DOI
B. Urbanc, L. Cruz, F. Ding, D. Sammond, S. Khare,S. V. Buldyrev, H. E. Stanley, and N. V. Dokholyan, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Amyloid β Dimer Formation, Biophys. J. 87, 2310-2321 (2004). DOI
S. Peng, F. Ding, B. Urbanc, S. V. Buldyrev, L. Cruz, H. E. Stanley, and N. V. Dokholyan, Discrete molecular dynamics simulations of peptide aggregation, Phys. Rev. E 69, 041908 (2004). DOI
Modeling of Plaques in AD
B. Urbanc, L. Cruz, R. Le, J. Sanders, K. Hsiao-Ashe, K. Duff, H. E. Stanley, M. C. Irrizarry and B. T. Hyman, Neurotoxic Effects of Thioflavin S-Positive Amyloid Deposits in Transgenic Mice and Alzheimer's Disease, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 99, 13990-13995 (2002). DOI
R. Le, L. Cruz, B. Urbanc, R. B. Knowles, K. Hsiao-Ashe, K. Duff, M. C. Irizarry, H. E. Stanley and B. T. Hyman, Plaque-Induced Abnormalities in Neurite Geometry in Transgenic Models of Alzheimer Disease: Implications for Neural System Disruption, J. Neuropath. Exp. Neuro. 60, 753-758 (2001). DOI
B. Urbanc, L. Cruz}, S. V. Buldyrev, S. Havlin, B. T. Hyman, and H. E. Stanley, Dynamic Feedback in an Aggregation-Disaggregation Model, Physical Review E, 60, 2120-2126 (1999). DOI
B. Urbanc, L. Cruz, S. V. Buldyrev, S. Havlin, M. C. Irizarry, H. E. Stanley, and B. T. Hyman, Dynamics of Plaque Formation in Alzheimer Disease, Biophys. J. 76, 1330-1334 (1999). DOI
R. B. Knowles, C. Wyart, S. V. Buldyrev, L. Cruz, B. Urbanc, M. E. Hasselmo, H. E. Stanley, and B. T. Hyman, Plaque-Induced Neurite Abnormalities: Implications for Disruption of Neural Networks in Alzheimer's Disease, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 96, 5274-5279 (1999). DOI
H. E. Stanley, S. V. Buldyrev, L. Cruz, T. Gomez-Isla, S. Havlin, B. T. Hyman, R. Knowles, B. Urbanc and C. Wyart, Statistical Physics and Alzheimer's Disease, Physica A - Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 249 (1-4), 460-471 (1998). DOI
L. Cruz, B. Urbanc, S. V. Buldyrev, R. Christie, T. Gomez-Isla, S. Havlin, M. McNamara, H. E. Stanley, B. T. Hyman, Aggregation and disaggregation of Senile Plaques in Alzheimer Disease, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 94, 7612-7616 (1997). DOI
Conduction in 1D Polymers
L. Cruz, P. Phillips, A. Castro-Neto, Kondo Resonance and log-T Conductivity in Highly Conducting trans-Polyacetylene, Europhysics Letters 29, 389-394 (1995). DOI
L. Cruz, P. Phillips, Phase Diagram for Strongly-Correlated Doped trans Polyacetylene, Physical Review B 49, 5149-5156 (1994). DOI
P. Phillips, L. Cruz, Metallic Polyacetylene is a Soliton Lattice, Synth. Met. 65, 225-232 (1994). DOI
Q. Li, L. Cruz, P. Phillips, Granular-rod Model for Electronic Conduction in Polyaniline, Physical Review B 47, 1840-1845 (1993). DOI
Q. Li, L. Cruz, P. Phillips, Dimers and Rods in the Conducting States of Polyaniline, Synth. Met. 55-57, 4697-4703 (1993). DOI
Scattering by Metallic Nanoparticles
L. Fonseca, M. Gomez, L. Cruz, Calculation of the Aggregation and Electrodynamic Effects in Granular Systems, Physica A 207, 123-130 (1994). DOI
W. Vargas, L. Cruz, L. Fonseca, M. Gomez, T-Matrix Approach for Calculating Local Fields around Clusters of Rotated Spheroids, App. Opt. 32, 2164-2170 (1993). DOI
L. Fonseca, L. Cruz, M. Gomez, J. A. Gonzalo, Determination of sizes of Potassium Colloids in KCl:O2 using Light Scattering Techniques, App. Phys. Comm. 12, 153-162 (1993). DOI
L. Fonseca, L. Cruz, W. Vargas, M. Gomez, Theoretical Calculation of the Optical Absorption of Fractal Colloidal Aggregates Using a Multiple Scattering Formalism, Condensed Matter Theories 8, 561-571, eds. L.Blum, F. B. Malik, Plenum Press, N.Y. (1993). DOI
M. Gomez, L. Fonseca, L. Cruz}, W. Vargas, Calculation of Local Fields for Clusters of Ellipsoids within the T-Matrix Approach, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proceedings 195, 109-114 (1990). DOI
L. Cruz, L. Fonseca, M. Gomez, T-Matrix Approach for the Calculation of Local Fields in the Neighborhood of Small Clusters in the Electrodynamic Regime, Physical Review B 40, 7491-7500 (1989). DOI
M. Gomez, L. Fonseca, G. Rodriguez, A. Velazquez, L. Cruz, Multiple Scattering theories including Correlation effects to obtain the Effective Dielectric Constant of Non-Homogeneous Thin Films, Physical Review B 32, 3429-3441 (1985). DOI
Dynamics of Granular Materials
B. Urbanc and L. Cruz, Order Parameter and Segregated Phases in a Sandpile Model with Two Particle Sizes, Phys. Rev. E 56, 1571-1579 (1997). DOI
Liquid-liquid Phase Transition
H. E. Stanley, L. Cruz, S. T. Harrington, P. H. Poole, S. Sastry, F. Sciortino, F. W. Starr, and R. Zhang, Cooperative Molecular Motions in Water: The Liquid-Liquid Critical Point Hypothesis, Physica A 236, 19-37 (1997). DOI