1a. Introduction
- Computers, Physics, and Computational Physics
- why compute?
- complex physics
- nonlinear physics
- high dimensionality
- complex geometry
- large problems
- examples
- the driven nonlinear pendulum
- the gravitational three-body problem
- Course outline and logistics
- course outline
- computer use -- the computers in Disque 704
(newton.physics.drexel.edu) are provided for your
use, but you are free to use your own laptop if you prefer
- programming languages -- we will work in
both C++ and python (you choose); other languages are
discouraged, as we will not support them or provide
solutions using them
- programming tools and other software -- g++,
python, and other necessary programming tools are provided
on newton; if you use your own computer it is
your responsibility to install all required software
- homeworks -- PDF is preferred, e-mailed
to phys105@physics.drexel.edu, but if that is not
possible you may turn in hard-copy
- Linux
- logging in
- the X window system
- the terminal window
- network access
- local private network
- gateway: newton.physics.drexel.edu
- network topology
- access from outside: encryption required:
ssh and scp